Shut up, you!

Jun 01, 2007 10:32

Today is a mess already, seriously. Someone else screwed up and since shit runs downhill, who gets screwed? You! (Though I did get two apology emails and one apology voice mail.)

And then, I read the paper this morning and the Pistons lost AGAIN! This is not looking good for the home team.

Today I cant wait for August to be here...though that changes depending on the kind of day Im having.

I think on the way home from work today Ill hit the bookstore and get the last Dresden files book. Apparently the pre-orders for Dresden S1 (I ordered!) on DVD is number 107 on Amazon. Come on TPTB...announce today it will be back and it will make my day 100% better.

As a consolation prize, the 4400 return on June 17th! Yaaay! Need new 4400 icon. And Ghost Hunters next Wednesday!

Oh ok, I did accomplish something last night. Ive written some of my fic for the Doooooom challenge. I'm at least AT the good stuff, now I just need to write! eolivet I hope to have a copy for you late next week.

And I have a couple new tunes on the MP3 player, which always makes the day better:
Like a Boy - Ciara (I just love it, cracks me up)
Umbrella - Rihanna
Breathe - Breaking Benjamin
Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5

OH! And new Dresden icon courtsey of phlourish_icons
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