(no subject)

May 07, 2005 23:27

y me??

y is it that i am the chosen one, i am the listener, the guru?? sumtimes i want to say wtf get away i dont want to hear ur issues i have my own, and yet no one really seems to care about my issues, and those issues being numerous in quantity and lengthy to discuss seem to add up, leading to the inevitable emotional "explosion", these emotinal explosions can b very dangerous and lead to even more issues, thus continuing the "cycle of unhappiness and death"

jealous-1 a : intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness b : disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness
2 : hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage
3 : vigilant in guarding a possession
- jeal·ous·ly adverb
- jeal·ous·ness noun

i am not a jealous person as a whole, i mean the occasional "i wish i was rich" has crossed my mind, but in general i dont get jealous, i know all to well that every one has "dirty laundry", however that being said i dont understand y it is that i feel as if other certain people r just suddenly having many strokees of good luck, and i am get nothing, so instead of making an effort to b a better person i react w/ hate and cruelty

y ? does any of it really matter? and who decides?
wat points r pre-determined, and which ones are pure coincidence?


comments- "because i'm worth it"
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