Dec 20, 2005 21:17
1. What time is it? it was 902, but i hit refresh.... DEC 20TH, 2005, 9:17 PM
2. Name: Chris
3. Nickname(s): Christophe
5. Single or taken?: Somewhere in between :P
6. Chinese zodiac: pisces
7. hair color: dirty blonde/light brown
8. Eye color: blue-green
9. Height: 5'10 or 5'11
10. Shoe size: 10 (but it varies by shoe brand)
11. Glasses, contacts or neither? neither
13. Piercing/tattoos? Soon
15. Current residence: SCS
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Gone skinny dipping?: nope
21. Skipped school?: not that i can remember - lame..
22. Bungee jumped?: nope
23. Kissed someone NOT related to you: ya
25. Kiss more than two people in one day: maybe
26. Liked someone the day you met them? yeahh
27. TP'd someone's house: nope..
28. Won something?: ya
29. Asked someone out?: ya
30. Been rejected? maybe.. i don't really know
31. Been in love?: they call it puppy love
32. Been to a funeral?: zut alors, oui!
33. Used a lighter?: yep yep yep!
34. Been on stage?: yep, i'm not a fan of the plays tho (kinda ironic phrase)
35. Food: i eat what i like.. and generally not otherwise
36. Ice cream flavor: CHOCOLATE
38. School subject(s): math... eh, idk...
39. Breakfast cereal: oo that's hard. mini wheats are good
40. Number(s): 6,13
41: Book(s): The Time of the Twins
42. Movie(s): i love too many movies...
43. Candy: reeses
44. Soda: Coca-Cola CLASSIC
45. Color(s): green, red, shades
46. Vacation spot: arizona has a nice, dry, atmosphere.. but idk.
47. Sport to watch on tv: football... the real man's sport.
48. Sport to play: I love to play volleyball, soccer, and football with my family
49. Bands/musicians: whore... TOO MANY!!
50. Letter(s): what!?!
51. Fast food restaurants: El Charro baby! Woot
52. Cartoon Character: Welcome to BobToons! Other than that, I like stan from american dad
53. Holiday: Christmas
54. Name(s) for a boy: Xavier ^^
55. Name(s) for a girl: Natalie or... grr.. i forgot the other
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
58. Long relationships or one night stands? prolly long
59. Dogs or cats?: cats... just... cats.
60. Scary movies or comedies: comedies
61. Silver or gold?: silver
62 Croutons or bacon bits or both?: bacon bits... sometimes both
63. Doctor: White Coat Syndrome
64. Hedgehog: spiky
65. School: work
66. Grass: green
67. Cows: black and white spots
68. Canada: maple leaf
69. Mouse: computer..
70. Hand: Hand
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie?: yes x4
72. Talked on the phone?: yep x12+
73. Cried? nope i dont think so
74. Threw up? fortunately no
75. Drank a glass of water? no
76. Gone to the bathroom? yeah ~3?
77. Read a book or magazine? no.. online articles/websurfing though
78. Watched tv? yep, im so god damn bored
80. Taken a shower? Oops
81. Taken a picture? nope
82. Listened to music? Yeah.. I <3 it... Garbage, Xmas, SuperBeast
83. Hugged or kissed someone? nope
84. Done your hw? nope
85. Told someone you loved them? ya, my rents
***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******
86. Heaven? agnostic
88. Aliens? wouldn't it be a dumb otherwise?
89. Fun for the entire family? lol im not sure what that would entail
91. Love? ya
92. Magic? in various forms
*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******
93. Last movie you saw in theatres? Corpse Bride!
94. Are you listening to music right now? after this is doone!
95. What color shirt are you wearing? navy & bronze/gold
97. What kind of lotion do you use? w/e's available
98. left handed or right handed? righty tighty - lol
99. What color is your backpack? green, gray, and black
repost this in ure profile/comment at will...