Dec 04, 2005 00:25
So yesterday was pretty boring...i went to sarahs with lindsay about 6 first we had to go to lindsays grandmas house...sarah was suppose to cut my hair when we got back to her house but that didnt end up happening...lindsay dyed the bottom, back section of her dont look bad at all..she says shes going to dye all of it..they tried dying mine but mines alrighty dark so it didnt turn out. I ended up spending the night at sarahs..mike maholive from hillman stopped by....i hate him so much. Hes so dumb. well i didnt end up going to sleep til about 4:30 in the morning which sucked! i woke up at 11 went home about 12 went on the net but my computer was being gay so i went to go lay down with my dog and i ended up falling asleep til like 4, got in the shower got dressed went on the net again then my mom came home around 5 or so went uptown to the store and then came back and around 6 i went to go babysit for scott and yvonne! i didnt get home from there until about 11:15pm....and then i came on here and well im still on tomorrow im really excited becuz around 6:30 Supercross is on! and im so stoked..but anyways im going to go to bed now so goodnight!!