(no subject)

Feb 27, 2007 01:25

so i was at the gas station buying cigerettes tonight and there was this OLD man in there talking to the clerk.
they included me in their convo ( i know all the night clerks im there almost every day)
we started talking about bush
and the older gentleman was like
if there is one thin i have learned it is that peopl shoul wait 40-50+ years to judge a president"
even though he said he doesnt agree with some things that bush hs done.

when i say old i mean he saw combat in ww2
he graduaed in this area class of 41
and we strted talking about heros
and how he knows the gentleman that owns elis jewelers
and how they were school mates
and his friend was tlling him the on day durng ww2
him d 6 of his comrades st down to breakfast together and then went out to the front
of those he was the only one to return that night

and when the older gentleman at the gas station said that hecongratulated his friend on being a hero
his friend looked him in the eye and said
i'm no hero, if you wnt to meet a hero go to cambridge englad and look for those 6 guys names in the cemetary there. they are true heros"

things like this make me so sad and so happy at the same time.
a ture hero/great human will never admit theya re great
they give and give and give even if eventually it costs them their life
but they are humble nd nobel menwomen
i hpe one day i can be as humble and wise.

as creepy as the older gentleman tonight was he opened my eyes up a lot.

we also talked about how war is war.
an yes it sucks.
but everyday we hear news reprts about how3 or 8 or whatever nuber of us soliders died today.
think back to ww2 and ww1. IMAGINE if only 3 men/woman died in one day it would be celebrated.

instead now we turn it into something so negative. yes this is pointless frivilous war.and im not sayin i dont like buh
i just think the US citizns need to realize we ARE at war.
and war is brutal and people die.

unfortuntely we cant change that fact.
but maybe we will look at the people fighting over there as heros

and not just an excuse to diss this person we call a president

because they may be fighting for what they believe or they may hve ben forcedinto it
but the fact they gave up their life should not be used to fuel something biger thand selfish.

i sound so conservative but im really not i dont agree with a lot of the thing that our government has done in the last lets sy 10 years but...i lso dont agree with the way that people have reacted.

ok this post was pointless and i dont think anyone can really relize how much more enlightened i am.
or how much prouder i am to be me. and know that i will not base my blifs on something trivial.

its time for our generation to make a change.
do not go quietly into th night.
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