Masterlist of Fic for The Steppy One

Jun 18, 2020 23:11

thesteppyone's Master List of Fic. Probably. Well, very nearly all of it, anyway...

Small explanation to the Master List of Fic:

So, I started writing fic in 2006 and posted it to my Account. At this point in my writing 'career' I had not heard of the whole beta process and even if I had I had no one to do this for me. If you read my early fic over on please bear this in mind and excuse the massive amount of grammar issues. Shortly after joining LiveJournal I found The Quidditch Pitch and started posting my fics there, and they are all nicely beta'ed... until they validated me as an author and let me post straight away! so if I've posted a Fic on TQP and, I've posted the link to TQP on here because chances are it's in a better state than the version on Some of the stories aren't on TQP because it would take an age to get them beta'ed and uploaded, namely 'Falling Star' and 'Heartfelt Dream'. My TQP account is here.

The list below is in chronological order but not really... in that I started at the beginning but follow those fics with any sequels or outtakes etc. And then there's those that I just had no idea whether I'd posted them at the time of writing or not... hmm, maybe alphabetical order would have been better... *rolls eyes* Smut is not posted on, but is on TQP (please heed the warnings on the site for rating) and is locked over on step_fics.

Ta :)

Losing Sight of a Falling Star
Rating: T for language Genre: angst, humour Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny, Draco Malfoy, OMC
The war is over, everyone is safe but something in Hermione's life is wrong. Very wrong.

Losing Sight of a Heartfelt Dream
Rating: T for language Genre: angst, humour Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny, Seamus Finnigan, Blaize Zabini, OMC
Sequel to 'Falling Star'. Things are as they should be and Hermione is living her life as she wants tp, but cracks are beginning to appear and she doesn't know how to fix them.

The Seven Ways I Cry
Rating: T for tragedy Genre, major angst, tragedy Side pairings/other characters: Harry, Ginny, Remus, OMC
Hermione looks back at the seven different ways she has cried throughout her life.

The Seven Ways I Smile
Rating: T for language Genre, humour, angst Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny, Weasley family
Sequel to 'The Seven Ways I Cry'. Hermione looks back over the life she has had with her son and the times she found the strength to smile.

He Could Smile Like This Forever
Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Set the night before Chapter 5 of 'The Seven Ways I Cry'. Ron makes a decision about his and Hermione's future.

Together Forever
Rating: T for language and general teenage behaviour Genre: humour, angst, action Side pairings/other characters: Harry, Ginny, Lavender, McGonagall, Dumbledore, Arthur, Charles Granger, Draco, Tonks
A messed up potion, some unwanted side effects and a 'situation' they really could do without. Hermione and Ron's sixth year is about to take an unexpected turn.

Rating: T for language Genre: angst Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny, Percy, OMC, Charles Granger
Set after 'Together Forever' and during/directly after the final confrontation with Voldemort. Ron will do anything to help the one he loves including searching in a place no one else is allowed and a place he's not exactly sure exists.

Sanctuary In My Eyes
Rated: T for language and excessive medical talk Genre: angst Side pairings/other characters: None
She hated it, it encompassed her, it encompassed everything around her and there was nothing she could do to stop it. But he found her a solution.

Your Eyes Open
Rated: T for tragedy Genre: major angst, tragedy Side pairings/other characters: None
Inspired by the song by Orson of the same name. Vague references to 'Sanctuary In My Eyes'. When the war is over, devastation lies all around. Ron and Hermione have to help each other cope with what has happened.

Seeking Reassurance
Rated: T Genre: angst Side pairings/other characters: None
Set after 'Your Eyes Open', Ron finds away to help Hermione cope when she can't find the reassurance she needs from people.

Ronald Goes Forth!
Rated: PG-13 Genre: humour Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny, Seamus, Dean, Neville, OFC
A birthday fic written for solstice_muse, the Gryffindor boys have a boys' night in and hilarity rules.

Save the World
Rated: T for language Genre: humour, angst Side pairings/other characters: None
Inspired by the Orson song of the same name. Ron is tired of not seeing Hermione anymore because of her work load. He comes up with a plan to catch her attention and tell her how he feels.

Shapes in a Feather
Rated: G Genre: fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Set directly after a scene in Half Blood Prince. Why does Hermione's quill feel different in her hand?

Bad Day
Rated: G Genre: fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Ron helps Hermione get rid of her tension after a hard day at work.

Rated: G Genre: fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
My response to solstice_muse's 'Solstice' prompt. Ron gets excited about the upcoming Summer Solstice.

Rated: T for tragedy Genre: angst, tragedy Side pairings/other characters: None
The war is raging and Ron has a decision to make.

Waiting in Line
Rated: PG-13 Genre: angst, fluff, tragedy Side pairings/other characters: None
After the Battle, Ron is missing. Hermione finds him trying to gather his thoughts, but he can't get past his first reactions after the explosion that killed his brother. Guilt is a strange thing.

Breaking Tradition
Rated: PG-13 Genre: angst Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny, George, Percy, Bill, Charlie
Everyone copes with grief differently, but Fred wanted them to smile.

Rated: PG-13 Genre: angst Side pairings/other characters: Mr. Granger, Arthur
Hermione has brought her parents back from Australia, but things are not well in the Granger household.

Rated: PG13 Genre: angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione makes the hard decision about what she wants to do now the war is over and won. But it isn't an easy one.

Coming of Age. Twice
Rated: G Genre: fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Ron doesn't understand why Hermione's parents haven't made a big thing about her coming of age.

Ignoring a Door I Cannot Close
Rated: Nc-17 Genre: angst Side pairings/other characters: Marietta
He had to make her see how things had actually been, and there was only one way to do that; show her his memory.

Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, fluff, humour Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione comes home to find Ron doing DIY, her reaction surprises them both.

DIY - Hermione Style
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, fluff, humour Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione decides to recreate some of the fun they had with the tool belt but with her own twist.

Third Time's a Charm
Rated: R Genre: humour, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny
Hermione is paranoid that their tool belt is having a weird effect on their sex life.

Can We Fix It?
Rated: T Genre: humour, fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Small one shot about one of the 'side effects' of Ron and Hermione's tool belt antics

Mist and Musings
Rated: G Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: Mr. Granger
Hermione has to convince her Dad to let her go back to school.

Rated: R Genre: Fluff, humour Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione and Ron have been sent a questionnaire from the sister magazine of the Quibbler, and there is one question that is annoying her no end.

By My Side
Rated: T for language and injury Genre: angst, action Side pairings/other characters: Harry, Arthur, Fred, Ginny, Hermione
When Ron goes off by himself to do some investigating things go wrong and he has to find a way back with a little help from the people he loves.

Rated: T Genre: General Side pairings/other characters: None
Ron has a decision to make but he doesn't want anyone to question his loyalty.

Bravery and Beer
Rated: T Genre: Humour Side pairings/other characters: None
Ron has a suggestion to make but he doesn't think Hermione will be too impressed with it.

Rated: T Genre: Fluff, angst, humour Side pairings/other characters: None
Ron has a plan of how he wants to propose to Hermione, but Harry messes it up.

Failure, Her Greatest Fear
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Action, angst Side pairings/other characters: None
My version of 'what went down in the Chamber of Secrets during the Final Battle'.

Elvis Sodding Presley
Rated: T Genre: Humour Side pairings/other characters: None
Written for solstice_muse's birthday. Hermione is irritated that the 'delusional' people on the Muggle news are in fact more correct than she is.

Hold On
Rated: T Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: None
Based on the Take That song of the same name. Ron and Hermione's relationship has become bitter and toxic, can they sort things out before it's too late? Written from Ron's point of view.

I'd Wait For Life
Rated: T Genre: Angst Sid pairings/other characters: None
Based on the Take That song of the same name. Sister fic to 'Hold On'. Written from Hermione's point of view.

Seven Memories Ron Weasley has of Christmas Stockings
Rated: Soft R Genre: Fluff Side characters/other pairings: None
Ron reflects on seven ways Christmas Stockings have had various meanings throughout the years.

A Question of Blame
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione tries to work out who is to blame for her most recent purchase.

With My Life (Work in Progress)
Rated: T for language and violence Genre: Angst, action Side pairings/other characters: Harry, Ginny, OFC, OMC
Revenge is best served cold, and with meticulous planning, along with the ability to improvise. With repercussions from the war about to turn Ron and Hermione's world upside down, can their relationship and trust in each other survive anything?

A New Remedy
Rated: R Genre: Fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Written for solstice_muse's birthday. Hermione is ill and Ron suggests a new remedy for her.

Worth it Though, Yeah? ( Original Post)
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny, Arthur/Molly
Ron has discovered an interesting side effect to Hermione's pregnancy, and he's not sure if he can keep up.

Lying in Your Arms, Dying in Your Embrace
Rated: T for violence Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione is hurt and all she wants to do is get home to Ron.

Making Sunday Interesting
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: None
Written for scribhneoir1 after she broke her wrist falling down the stairs. Inspiration is obvious. :)

Multiply By Two ( Original Post)
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, humour, fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Written for softobsidian for the hp_porninthesun fic exchange. After a conversation about their sex life, Ron and Hermione get a surprise during sex

Hermione's Uncertainty
Rated: NC-17 Genre: Angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: George
After the war Hermione is unsure about the path her life might take, she turns to George for help.

The Curse of the Firsts ( Original Post)
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, fluff, angst Side pairings/other characters: Harry/Ginny
Hermione and Ron's love life has been far from simple and Hermione has becoming paranoid about trying something new.

New But Familiar ( Original Post)
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, fluff, humour Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione thinks her and Ron's sex life has become boring and is no longer special. Thankfully, there is a perfectly timetabled plan to help change things.

Leaning Slightly to the Left: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Work in Progress
Rated: Varies from chapter to chapter, please see individual chapter ratings Genre: Angst, fluff, Side pairings/other characters: Ron/OFC, Harry/Ginny, Neville/Hannah
Based on a plot line from One Tree Hill. Hermione and Ron have drifted apart over the years and Hermione returns home to find him with someone new. Are her dreams of a life with Ron over? Or is her happily ever after just around the corner?

Talking it Through
Rated: T Genre: Angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Ron and Hermione have to talk about them becoming an 'us'. Even after all they have been through, Hermione has never been more scared.

The Writing's on the... er... wall?
Forward Planning
Sanctuary In His Eyes
A Lack of Concentration
Getting Easier
No Compromise

All drabbles for Round 1 of rw_ldws can be found here

Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Hermione/Viktor
Ron is ill and Harry is under strict orders from his Healer to keep his hands off him. But can he resist?

A Different Type of Sickness
Rated: T Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: Hermione/Viktor
An 'outtake' to Sickness. Ron is suffering with the side effects of his illness and Harry can't cope seeing him suffer.

A Totally Different Type of Sickness
Rated: T Genre: Friendship, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Hermione/Viktor
A Timestamp fic set in the future from Sickness and A Different Type of Sickness. Hermione is hiding something and Ron and Harry are determined to work out what it is.

Dudes, Sausages and Northerners
Rated: T for banter Genre: Fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Written for magicofisis. Starts at one word per line, goes up to twenty words per line and then back down again. Ron says something Harry hasn't heard him say before.

Oop North!
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Friendship, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Hermione/OMC
Something of a 'sequel' to Dudes, Sausages and Northerners. Hermione is worried about an upcoming milestone in her relationship with her boyfriend. As ever, Ron and Harry are no help whatsoever.

The Best laid Plans
Rated: NC-17 Genre: Angst, action, fluff, plot heavy Side pairings/other characters: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, 5 x OMC
In the beginning, there was a plan, one that revolved around Ron Weasley. He knew it would be hard and that he would be challenged but he didn't realise how much this mission would change his life and those of others.

Pleading and Praying
Rated: T Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: OFC
Every time Harry leaves on a mission, his daughter says goodbye. On one occasion he has to leave before she can speak to him. She has a bad feeling something is going to go wrong.

A Long Road Travelled ( Original post)
Rated: Hard R Genre: Angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Neville/Hannah
Something has gone wrong in Harry and Ginny's marriage but is it too late to fix it?

Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione is determined to watch her much anticipated DVD, but her boys have other ideas.

Trio Friendship
Click... Whirr...
Rated: T Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: Ron/Hermione
Hermione is in a Muggle hospital while on their hunt for the Horcruxes. Can the three friends find the confidence and faith to carry on?

Some Things Never Change
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Neville
Ron needs to ask Harry about what happened before he disappeared into the Forest, but can't find the words. Thankfully Hermione helps him sort his thoughts and words out.

I Love You, Romilda ( Original Post)
Rated: T Genre: Humour Side pairings/other characters: Choose your own ending pairing
Written for hp_funnyfest for oncelikeshari's prompt. Ron’s seventeenth birthday had certainly been a memorable one, but, in his opinion, for all the wrong reasons.

Fred/Hermione Last Drabble Writer Standing Drabbles

United We Stand
Rated: T Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: Ron/Harry
Written as an 'outtake' to solstice_muse's Unity in the Community. After Ron drops his bombshell on Hermione, she has to come to terms with the unexpected turn her life has just taken.

A Love That Runs So Deep: Part 1 | Part 2 (Original Post: Part 1 | Part 2)
Rated: T for violence Genre: Angst, action, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Ron/Harry, OMC, OFC
Written for the weasley_fest. Ron and Hermione's mission goes horribly wrong and serious complications arise. How will they and Harry and George cope with their capture, and the aftermath?

Too Real, Too Alive
Rated: T for language Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: Ron
After Ron disappeared after the war, Hermione had to try and rebuild her life, but when Ron returns, how will he take her current situation?

One, Two, Three, Four, Five... Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Original Post: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2)
Rated: NC-17 Genre: Humour, angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: Please see warnings/highlighted spoilers for details
Written for the charlieficathon. Charlie wished he could say no to the obscure challenges his friends set him, but he was a Weasley, and had had the ability to say 'no' removed at birth.

Star Light, Star Bright
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione takes time to reflect on something that has just happened, that she never expected to.

3 practice smutty drabbles before the triatha_ron
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP Pairings: Ron/Kati/Cho, Ron/Gabrielle, Ron/Hermione

Rated: Hard R/NC-17 Genre: Angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione is still trying to come to terms with her new found status, as is her best friend. She's coping well but that can't be said for Ginny.

Emotional Stability
Rated: T Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: None
George is trying to cope with Fred's death. Lee tries to help him.

Rated: R Genre: Fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Luna finds her thoughts are most lucid after orgasm.

The Change of a Malfoy
Rated: T for language Genre: General, humour Side pairings/other characters: Hermione
Rose is annoyed with Scorpius Malfoy, but not for the normal reasons.

Birthday Wishes
Rated: PG-13 Genre: angst, fluff Side pairings/other characters: None
Written for realmer06's birthday. Scorpius surprises Rose on her seventeenth birthday.


Collaboration with solstice_muse
One Last Chance
Rated: T Genre: Angst, action Side pairings/other characters: None
Hermione has one chance to save Ron's life. Will she succeed? Or will things play out exactly as they did before?

One Last Time
Rated: T Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: None
'Sequel' to One Last Chance. Ron has to make a decision about his medication, but does he have the strength?

Collaboration with lnalvgd
Behind the Alleyway
Rated: NC-17 Genre: PWP Side pairings/other characters: None
Written as an 'outtake' to queenb23more's Now or Never. Rose and Scorpius steal some time together.

Acceptance of Fate | Hermione
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Angst
In her final moments, Hermione accepts the hand fate has dealt her.

A Shoulder to Die On | Hermione, Draco
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Angst
On her mission to find survivors and the dead after the final battle Hermione finds someone she didn't expect to see.

Tranquility | Harry, Ron
Rated: T Genre: Friendship, angst
Ron has to try and calm Harry down so he can concentrate on their hunt for the Horcruxes.

Of Fish, Freckles and Seaweed | Harry, Ron
Rated: T Genre: Friendship, humour
Ron has to try and remove Harry's fear of Seaweed to protect his manly reputation.

Insufferably Yours, | Percy, Fred
Rated: T Genre: Angst, tragedy
Percy has to deal with his rollercoaster relationship with Fred leading up to his death.

On Yer Bike! | James, Sirius
Rated: T Genre: Friendship, angst, humour
James and Sirius discuss extravagant purchases, love and the impending war.

Cannons 'Til I Die! | Ron, Hugo
Rated: T Genre: Humour
Ron takes Hugo to his first Quidditch Match and gets a little carried away.

All I Need
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Angst Side pairings/other characters: Molly
When all Harry needs is a mother's guidance, Molly helps him come to terms with all that has happened.

A Lack of Interference | Ron, Hugo
Rated: R for implied rape Genre: Angst, action
Hugo has been expelled from school and won't defend his actions. Ron tries to persuade Hugo to save his reputation and his education.

An Image She'll Never Forget | Hermione, Charlie
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Humour
Charlie asks a favour of Hermione and it leaves her with an image she will never forget. Unfortunately, it does the same to Ron.

Specimin Report Number 537/B | Neville
Rated: T Genre: Humour
Neville is investigating a newly discovered plant which reacts strangely to something he tries.

year: 2007, year: 2010, year: 2008, year: 2006, year: 2009, masterlist

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