Ginger Sniffles | F/Hr | Rated: PG-13

Feb 08, 2009 18:29

Challenge 3, Round 2 of fwhg_ldws

Title: Ginger Sniffles
Rating: PG
Word Count: 640
A/N: none

Ginger Sniffles

It wasn't often that she let him sprawl across her lap in the undignified way that he was, but he was ill so she would tolerate it for a while.

She stroked his ginger hair out of his eyes, which had started watering yet again. He blinked and tears rolled down his face. He snuffled and rolled onto his back.

Hermione looked down at him and stroked his ginger locks once more. She felt sorry for him, he'd had 'Flu for a long time now, and it didn't seem like it was going to shift anytime soon.

She ran her hand down his side and scratched gently. He didn't do anything but she thought he was appreciative of the action. Her suspicions were confirmed when his tail wrapped around her hand.


Crookshanks leaped off Hermione's lap at the noise and ran through to the kitchen.

'Fred! As well as scaring Crookshanks you nearly gave me a heart attack!'

'How come you're giving your bloody cat more attention than me?'

'He's ill!'

'So am I!' Fred retorted, outraged.

'He's got Cat 'Flu!'

'And I've got Man 'Flu!'

She rolled her eyes.

'You know full well there is no such thing as 'Man 'Flu' and 'Flu for a cat is much worse than it is for a human!'

Fred tried to look angry but his bright red nose did little for the effect.

'I told you to stay in bed, anyway,' she said kindly, feeling his forehead with the back of her hand.

'I would've done but I need a drink and my nurse was too busy fussing over her other very ill patient!'

'Oh, shush! I'll get you a drink, what do you want?'

'Honey, Lemon and Firewhiskey, please,' he said with a smile.

'If you keep putting Firewhiskey in your Honey and Lemon you'll be ill and hung over, tomorrow.'

'Yes, but I don't have to go to work, so I won't c…ca…car-choo!'

All the lights went out in the room.

'Oh, well this is bloody wonderful, Fred!' Hermione exclaimed as she stumbled over Crookshanks in an attempt to retrieve her wand off the sofa.

She felt her hand scoot the wand a few inches across the cushion and leaned forwards to grasp it, when Crookshanks got under her feet once more and she lost her balance and went crashing to the ground.

'Oww! Oh, Merlin above!'

'Hermione? Are you okay?'

'No! Ahh! God, that hurts!'

'What've you hurt? Where the hell are- this is ridiculous!'

'I didn't spark out the lights, Fred!' she shouted from the floor.

She heard him sigh and shuffle back to the bedroom. He disappeared and then she saw wand light come towards her.

She watched, still clutching her knee - which was still hurting far too much for her liking - as Fred waved his wand and lit the candles situated around the room and sat down next to her with the duvet off the bed.

'Fred, what-?'

'Well, I'm guessing you aren't moving anywhere quickly and I don't want to be in the bedroom on my own.'

Despite her pain, she smiled. Fred pulled the duvet over them, being careful not to press on Hermione's sore knee and they snuggled together. Cushions were pulled off the sofa and they made themselves a sort of den on the lounge room floor.

After a few minutes of just giggling and hugging, Crookshanks made himself comfy on the duvet.

'Arse. I forgot to get my alcoholic Honey and Lemon before I got settled,' Fred said with a sigh.

'Well, if you want it, one of us is gonna have to move.'

'Unless…' Fred pondered. 'Crookshanks?'

The cat looked at him through watery eyes and then settled himself down to sleep.

'Maybe not!'

het, pairing: fred/hermione, rating: pg-13, year: 2009, genre: humour, fwhg_ldws

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