A New Remedy | R/Hr | Rated: R

Jan 07, 2009 22:42

Title: A New Remedy
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Words: 1213
Rating: R
Warnings: Um, nothing really, mention of Ron's cock?
Author's note: Happy birthday to my big sis, oncelikeshari who is 33 tomorrow! *hugs* Thanks to shocolate for the beta.

A New Remedy

She had been coughing for days now. Her whole body ached and she wheezed every time she came out of a coughing fit. Much to her annoyance, over the centuries, no one in the Wizarding World had found a cure to a very annoying and vicious virus that, in her boyfriend's words 'just refuses to bugger off!'.

She hadn't been at work that day, she did attempt to get up, but after she had all but fallen out of bed with dizziness, Ron had literally picked her back up and put her back to bed. At one point she thought he had hexed the duvet to not let her move around more than was necessary for rolling over in your sleep, but, if she was honest, she hadn't really cared, she was already on her way back to sleep, coughing occasionally into the duvet to attempt to muffle the noise.

'Don't you even dare attempt to get out of bed unless you really need to pee, Hermione Granger! I shall be back earlier than normal and if there is evidence that you have been up and about, I will have to take your favourite book away from you!'

She smirked into her pillow, awake enough to know what her husband had said, but not awake enough to be able to argue back. Besides, now she was tucked up in a very warm and comfortable bed, she had no desire to get up, other than if she needed to pee, of course.

Through the day she had slept, coughing herself awake occasionally before falling back to sleep. By mid afternoon she actually felt a little better and after fighting her way out of the duvet to go to the bathroom, she came back and decided to read the book Ron threatened to take off her. Lying down and reading could hardly be seen as overdoing it.

She even remembered to drink some of the hot honey and lemon Ron had made her and charmed to stay warm, and made herself feel better by taking some of the Muggle cough mixture she took as a child. The actual medicinal purposes of the very sticky syrup were in question, but it tasted good and did, for a small time, soothe her throat.

Ron had, as he had said, arrived home from work early and after a minute of interrogation was satisfied Hermione had only ventured to the bathroom and apart from reading, had been asleep for the rest of the day.

After more honey and lemon and some porridge that you could have plastered walls with, Hermione was feeling a lot better and the evening was finishing nicely with her and Ron snuggled together in bed, watching the telly. They exclaimed at the shocking twist in the story - shockingly bad, not shocking in a I had no idea that was going to happen! way - and laughed at the bad acting.

As the programme was coming to an end Hermione shuffled so she fit under Ron's arm and moved her hand across his chest. Slowly she moved her had over his stomach to his hip bone, which she made a point of circling with her finger. Ron shivered lightly at the sensation. She moved her hand across to the other one…

Or she would have done had Ron's erect cock not been in the way.

'Oh!' she exclaimed. 'Hi!'

She looked up at his smug face and snorted.

'Okay, should I be scared that you're aroused when watching this ridiculous television show?' Hermione asked while sitting up.

'I may just point out that your 'no sex during illness' rule is still in place and I haven't had sex for two weeks! I'm pretty horny all the time at the minute, oh, darling of mine!'

'Oh! Well, that's reassuring, anyway.'

'That I'm horny all the time?'

'No, that you're not turned on by really bad telly!'

Ron huffed. 'You know, you could always do something about it, my love.'

He leant over and kissed her hard.

'Ron! You've just reminded yourself of my rule. Having a coughing fit in the middle of sex is hardly comfortable and potentially dangerous!'

She turned away from him and took the cough medicine off the bedside table and picked up her already poured drink of honey and lemon. She settled herself back into the dent she had previously made in her pillows and sipped at her drink, knowing Ron was looking at her and planning his next move.

'Would you open my cough medicine for me?' she asked sweetly as she took another sip.

'There's no point taking it until you've finished your drink, it'll wash it away.'

She thought and nodded in agreement. She watched as Ron's hands disappeared under the covers and he rearranged himself.

'You know, the only thing that that cough medicine does is coat your throat with syrup so it's not as raw for a short time.'

'Your point?' Hermione asked turning towards him.

'That was it!'

'Oh! Well, yes, I know that it probably doesn't do a great deal but it tastes nice and I feel better for taking it.'

'Well, if you're working off that logic, then there is something else that will help.'

'What's that then?' Hermione asked, then took another mouthful of drink.

'A shot of Ron's special mix!' Ron replied with a thrust of his hips and a grin on his face.

Hermione nearly choked. This coughing fit not started by the virus that was so reluctant to leave her, but Ron's answer to her question. Thankfully, Ron decided taking her drink off her while she coughed up her lungs was a good idea. When she had recovered enough to glare at him, she did so.

'What?' he asked, trying to look innocent.

'I'll give you ten out of ten for effort, Ronald, but that is all you'll be getting off me tonight.'

'Oh, come on, Hermione! I'm dying here! Please, just for a little bit? Just so my cock doesn't think you've left me!'

Hermione's eyebrows disappeared into her hair.

'Considering your…little Ron-'

'Less of the 'little', thank you!'

'-is a part of you, then it knows perfectly well that I haven't left you!'

'Oh, but, Hermione!' Ron whined, stretching her name out for what felt like eternity. 'It's lonely! It misses you!'

'Aww, bless him! But no. The no sex rule still stands!'

As if to reinforce her point she started coughing again. When she had finished she raised her eyebrows at him and then settled back down under the duvet.

Ron sighed loudly and lay down next to her.

'So, just to be clear, there's no hope for me getting some action tonight, then?'

'Correct. Just think how good it'll be when I'm finally better! You can do what you want to me then!'

Ron face lit up. 'Right! I'll take that with no complaint. Night then!'

And with that he turned over and buried himself in the duvet.

Hermione looked at the Ron shaped lump.

'You're not gonna let me forget that, are you?' she asked as she, too, settled down to go to sleep.'

'Hermione,' the Ron shaped lump said, 'there is more chance of the Cannons winning the league, than there is of me forgetting that!'

het, pairing: ron/hermione, rating: r, year: 2009, genre: humour

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