Title: Together Forever?
Rating: T
Pairings: Pre Ron/Hermione
Words: ~49,000
Chapters: 26
Warnings: UST, Fluff, AU
Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters, I am merely playing with them. I shall return them when I'm done!
Author's Note: Now that I've got this complete on two websites and am currently posting it on a third, I thought it was time I linked to it in my fic journal!
Thanks go to
solstice_muse for reading through, squeeing, and generally helping, and to
deena_s for the quality beta work. :D
Together Forever? on FanFiction.net ~ unbetaed )
Together Forever? on The Quidditch Pitch ~ thoroughly betaed )
Together Forever? on Simply Undeniable ~ thoroughly betaed )