Oct 07, 2009 22:50
It's been almost 2 months since I last updated. (Gah! That sentence makes me feel like an e-Catholic giving a confession! >.<) I thought I'd update for about ten minutes before I head off to bed.
Been a busy 2 months!! My kiddo is now officially 1 year old! Heading straight into Toddler-dom within the coming months. I flipped out on my husband earlier because he commented on how Sam was acting and he used the term "One year old." I'm so used to my baby's age being referred to by months! I can't handle YEARS yet! Sad face...
Started a new job Monday! Excited and a little apprehensive about it too. It seems like something I could enjoy but I can't get over this idea of me feeling like a novice spy! I feel creepy and I kinda like it :-/ Tomorrow will be my first day out on my own. I only have 2 places to go as of right now, but I like that. It'll ease me into things I think :)
We're moving in a week and a half. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! A year and a half in this stinking apartment is almost more than I think I can bear!! I really dislike my neighbors, ALL of them, and I want to get far away from them! Nicole is moving in with us so that's great! I've always loved living with her. She's clean, responsible, fun.... She's just about the best roomate lol. Ppl keep worrying that it won't work out and I don't see how it won't. Nicole is NOTHING like Nick was. They are complete opposites and Nicole has never tried to sabotage my marriage, so how is it a bad thing she's moving in?
Another good thing about this job is the potential it has financially. Jeromi ran some numbers and if this job works out like we're thinking it can, our debt can be paid off in a matter of months. Then we can start paying off things we have as well as get him a new truck. His is dying badly lol. It will be nice to be living the life we used to have before we had roomates or babies lol.
Speaking of babies, we're currently trying for #2. So far no such luck, but we're ready and when God is ready for us to be parents again, it'll happen :) It's just that patience was never my strong suit lol.
One minute to go so I'll log off here, satisfied I summed up my last couple of months so nicely in a few paragraphs lol.
work sam life