Sep 07, 2007 23:42
It was a long day. Mostly due to a buiding problem, that means I have a 45 minutes walk between a class and the other.
I started at 8 am with Math (definite integrals and their uses) and ended at 10 pm with aquatic crops (how to masturbate fish). I may have a practice class on that one, by the way. If I do, I'll take pictures and get rich selling trout porn in the internet.
On other news, I made the disturbing discovery that I really like Balzac. I need to find more of his work, the socio political details are particulary entretaining during lunchbreak or dull classes. I also managed to write part of chapter four of Maglor's biography of Feanor, but I'm not completely happy with the tone. I may have to rewrite it.
(and after typing that last part I wonder why I tend to make grand schemes that put me in situations I cannot manage. I tend to bite more than I can chew, I guess)