Nov 11, 2004 15:14
ShADowsinFATE: im getting anti american again
NoGoodRottenMan: woo
NoGoodRottenMan: i would be to after that election
ShADowsinFATE: yeah
NoGoodRottenMan: fucking bastered middle amaerica
ShADowsinFATE: yeah
ShADowsinFATE: its just like everyone from there isnt affected by what us in a big industrial stae has to worry about
NoGoodRottenMan: yea
NoGoodRottenMan: its fucking gay
ShADowsinFATE: middle america dosent have toworry about terroism
NoGoodRottenMan: yea fucking dikes
NoGoodRottenMan: they just dont want gays to be able to get marryed
ShADowsinFATE: thats all they are worried about
ShADowsinFATE: its dick
NoGoodRottenMan: yea
ShADowsinFATE: mean while our innosent american soilders are in iraq afaganastan fighting usless wars
ShADowsinFATE: its one thing if we were attack by a country
ShADowsinFATE: but we wernt
NoGoodRottenMan: its fucking insane
ShADowsinFATE: we intagonised it
ShADowsinFATE: and the war on terrorism is shit
ShADowsinFATE: yeah you cant stop shit like that if a kid brought a gun into school you cant stop that he did it
ShADowsinFATE: your fighting something that you cant find
NoGoodRottenMan: yea theres terroists in the us n we dont do anything about that shit
ShADowsinFATE: thats just like saying we are going to rid violnce from schools
NoGoodRottenMan: hahaha
NoGoodRottenMan: or drugs
ShADowsinFATE: yeah cause they cant find whos doing it
ShADowsinFATE: until its to late
NoGoodRottenMan: exactly
ShADowsinFATE: and yeah fighting iraq for oil is shit hmm even i could make a better excuse then george bush for that
NoGoodRottenMan: haha
ShADowsinFATE: this is ush "uhh oh lets say that they have weapons of mass destruction" even though north korea and china have that shit IN THE FUCKING STREEETS marching with it
ShADowsinFATE: hmmm im not sure if the have nucular weapons
NoGoodRottenMan: lol
ShADowsinFATE: hes blind to the truth and 20 20 vision to the fake
NoGoodRottenMan: hells yea
NoGoodRottenMan: good for u dan
NoGoodRottenMan: anti american again
NoGoodRottenMan: woo
ShADowsinFATE: yeah for a good reason
ShADowsinFATE: i mean i have respect for the soilders there but george bush wouldnt fight there
ShADowsinFATE: you need someone who
1. Wasnt rich as a kid and there whole life
2. Served a war and has seen people die in there arms.
3. Someone who would sit up for the little man not across seas but right here in the us...
Nick and me had a talk i found it pretty interesting if anyone wants to add anything give me a comment or tell me what you thought of the points that were made or if you disagree withanything
Dan Summerfield Signing out