Apr 02, 2011 04:30
I can't help but feel like something was off tonight, but God take this burden from me. I want to be the man you've called me to be, but today I just didn't know what You were asking of me. Make it obvious to my heart Your heart, and don't let insecurity and sin stop me from proclaiming Your glory. May I find satisfaction and pleasure in Your presence, not in my success with this life, with my wishes, or with my relationships. You are the insight and mystery that takes over my thoughts, and I need You to be at the centre of all that I do. Reveal, reveal, reveal so that I may glorify, love, and proclaim Your name better.
"Better today than yesterday, better tomorrow than today." Lord, I'm asking for a better tomorrow, but I'm also hoping that You give me a wonderful today not lacking in anything of Christ, and may I find joy in all of it, regardless of my circumstances.