
Mar 14, 2005 14:56

Ok so I was just on Spring Break. You would think that I would be in a good mood right now right? Noppers. I just woke up today in a bad mood. My irks for the day so far...

Waking up for a class that you really don't want to go to because you are so extremely tired from the drive home from Florida.

Being in that class that you don't want to be in in the morning and taking a quiz that the only way you can get a good score on it would be to have a photographic memory with total recall or to have read ahead and studied for the past six weeks just specifically for the quiz.... (maybe a little of an exgerration but only a little)

Being cold when you wake up and all through your first class.

Coming back for a nap after being in the morning class that you really didn't want to be in (but knew you had that quiz in) and not wanting to get up for the next class.

Realizing in that next class that you have to start studying your ass off in order to try and do decent on the next up coming exam...

being in your last class of the day, getting a bad review on a paper, and having an english nazi for a literature professor because of how that paper was graded...

having hormones that suck

eating and trying to put on a happy face even though you just want to curl up in a little ball and sleep or cry which ever would be coming first...

finding out that a C that you are getting is almost garunteeded unless you do perfect on the up coming exam and quizes that are almost impossible to do well on.... and finding then that a B+ is still just about out of your reach then.... (freaking frustrating...)

panicked because you realize just how bad you are doing in about half of your classes that you work your ass off in anyways

Talking with professors outside of classes and still feeling bad about whats up and coming...

more hormone problems...

feeling sickish

looking at the amount of homework for this week and wanting to cry....

trying to get information about the up coming semester because of travel abroad and not finding any of the professors that you need to talk to

feeling like youre going to pass out

more sickishness

and finally more coldness once i get back to my room to write this.

So like i said this is so far for today. I am off to check my mushrooms right now. Hopefully ill feel better later once i sleep tonight. Maybe.


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