World of Trollcraft

Nov 03, 2010 12:40

It's a month until expansion day. People are growing bored, tired and short-tempered. I'm in a 25 man raiding guild, all heroic modes on steady farm, except the MeleeDPSAwarenessCheckKing... (our melee dps, it turns out, have no awareness - as someone who's been healing them through repeatedly standing in cleave for months, this was not news).

We are one of the few guilds still active, still raiding. With the growing expansion-fatigue, we focused mainly on keeping active raids and getting people their ICC achievement mount - got mine this week ^^

But sometimes it feels like the only reason people bother logging on anymore is to poke and prod at everyone around them. Even I am becoming guilty of this. It’s hard to stay positive when everyone is determined to be annoying.

I don’t care if it’s restlessness or frustration or just plain boredom. I don’t care. The people who are being asshats are going on my ignore list now.

This is a little hard to do since I am a guild officer… but I think I’ll do it anyway.

And then I’m going to be vehemently, fiercely and unrepentantly CHEERFUL at everyone, until they fall over and choke on their own bitterness. So there.
In my free time, I've been running mainly with my brother, husband and some real life friends - farming heroics and old raids for gold. It has been some of the most fun times I've had in a while. Chilling on Skype while ploughing through stuff fast enough, or undermanned enough, to still provide a challenge. Four of us together took on Naxx 10 last night - I tried Smite healing it but... that was optimistic on bosses. Next time I'm staying proper heals on all boss fights, which should grab us the Undying title. Turns out that fourmanning Naxx nets you close to 1k gold in under two hours. And it was insanely fun. (For those interested, we ran with a prot pally, boomkin, fury warrior with prot offspec (for horsemen) and disc priest).

Ran a bunch of heroics with them (and my friend Berglaug) as well, which ended up getting me the Dungeon heroic Red Proto Drake. This has resulted in Piety receiving not just one, but two! awesome mounts this last week. I've got the Rusted Proto Drake on my paladin, but we're making plans to go for another Ulduar 10 achievement run, which will definitely see me on my priest.
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