Odd Dreams

Nov 01, 2006 20:29

I've had some strange dreams recently...
The other day while napping, I had a dream about being on a spaceship and working on an assembly line to put robots together.

Last night I dreamt all kinds of things:
-Shopping with someone who was supposedly my brother. Later, I hugged him and said something like "You're the best brother ever." Hmm.
-Bodysurfing on some pretty big waves...it was intense and kinda cool.
-Walking back from bodysurfing, (in my swimsuit) I noticed a middle-aged man walking behind me. He started walking closer, and gave my back an unwelcome caress. I freaked out and yelled "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEP!", and ran ahead to join some girl who was my friend in the dream, and she gave the man dirty looks.
-Later, I had to get somewhere but knew the creepy man was along the way...so to avoid him, I had to teleport/apparate. (in my dream world, you could teleport to places you'd been before, and you had to scry ahead to make sure there was nothing in your way) So I did that, and got together with some people. We were apparently the "good guys" and the bad guys were after us so we had to do something.
We ran into one of the lesser bad guys, and he pulled out some electronic device that emitted the electronic equivalent of that sound farmers use to call their pigs. You know, "Sooooo-eeeeee!" But this device only mimicked the pitch, not the enunciation. Anyway, he made his device emit that sound, and apparently it was to summon this super-villain who I shall call "Pigman." He was some sort of pig-human hybrid or something...he definitely had a pig nose. I don't know if he had any special powers other than being hideous. I don't remember much else...I think I woke up shortly after pigman showed up.

I love having strange vivid dreams. My life during the day may be ordinary and sometimes dull, but when I'm asleep, I have fabulous adventures.


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