'kay....'nother question for LJ friends and aquaintances who sew

Oct 28, 2008 17:17

So, while running the last stretch of the Iris costume I'm guessing that this sewing thing is going to take what the knitting thing takes.  Practice.  Practice on my particular machine, practice with pattern instruction, practice with the tools, etc.

So, the question.

What garnment is best to practice on?  Shirt?  pants?  blouse? jeans? dress? period piece? any period piece in particular?

What say ya'll  ::grin::

I'm torn between the practical or the fantastical.  i.e. riverboat costume I saw on the lovely far-too-petite blonde at last year's ice cream social at Los Con.  Beautiful work on that one.....

I'm looking for something that's going to contain a lot of good practice samples of stitches and techniques I can work on in one garment without so much frustration I'll feel overwhelming temptation to throw the whole thing out the window. Yet not so remedial I'm going to feel like I should "run Forest run!"

I have a simple White brand sewing machine.  Nothing as complex as a surger or really fancy Singer.  I've got a simple supply of sewing needles (universal and ball point for fine fabrics); a goodly supply of mostly cotton thread in various colors (thanks Mom); pinking shears; good scissors, seam rippers, more than one bobbin, more than one measuring tape, tailors chalk, a middlin' amount of patience (with practice I could stretch that); pins; and other various supplies.



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