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Jul 06, 2007 21:55

I did something at work today. Its only now that I realise that the basis of what I did it on was wrong...due to my own misinterpretation but part of me feels glad that I did it even though there is some back pedalling to be done and there will be a mighty uncomfortable week ahead of me.
To give some background, I am in a supposedly higher level important role in the company, I've been unhappy for at least 2 months out of the 4 months I've been doing it. I am i the role as a secondment that was supposed to finish at the end of May. This role was then extended for a month bce they needed me. Then it was extended another week as the ppl that were internally promoted to replace me (and my friend who left the company) were not able to be relinquished from their current role. Then it was extended for another week with a promise that this was the last time it would be extended.
I work with a woman thats been there for pretty much as long as the company has existed. She is unpleasant and lazy and seems to take advantage of a medical condition she has. She starts late, leaves early, takes more than the allotted breaks and thumbs her nose at authority (the very rare occassions it might be suggested that her behaviour is not acceptable) and has a sick day at least once a week.
I have spent most of the 4 months working with one other person in a job that by rights should have 3 as a minimum. I received no training. Everything is so screwed up in the company that my manager is rarely available to consult with properly. I have never been so stressed, have lost sleep, felt ill each morning that I think about the day ahead and some days I sit at my desk wondering if this is the day I lose it and cry bce I can't stand it. I just want to go back to my old admin role and put this experience behind me. All I can take away is that it will look better on a resume than any of the other roles I've had within the organisation.
Today I was handed a letter outlining my new salary. I took one look at it and freaked out as at the time my interpretation of the letter saw me think that I would be getting a pay rise in my new role. Instead of being excited I was horrified as I had been retained in my current role under what I thought was a lower wage. It was the final straw. I penned the most brilliant email I've ever written and sent it to my manager - I'll put it up 2mrw. In it I expressed my disillusionment and that I felt slapped in the fact by the company and that it was clear to see the level of appreciation that the company had for me based on the salary I was on (bce money is all they understand) and I advised I felt I deserved to be compensated for the time that I could have been earning a higher wage. I went on to say that I knew my manager did not make the decision on how much I was to be paid but I'd gone to her bce that's what is expected but that I was happy to go to HR. I sent a copy to some of my friends who have been raving about it ever since.
Unfortunately when I was coming home from the pub this evening on the train I reread the letter and worked out that the amount was inclusive of super and therefore it was actually advising me of a reduction in pay. I was expecting to be paid less to go back to my original role but now I'm realising that I can't just accept that. So now I have to eat a very small portion of humble pie. The basis for my email was incorrect BUT most of what I said in it is still relevant. So I have to go back to my manager and tell her "yep ok just worked out that this bit and this bit were wrong but I'm not sorry for writing it and don't worry coz this is actually not your issue at all but something I'd need to address with HR".
I've decided that I'm going to fight to at the very least retain my current rate of pay. I am possibly the most multiskilled consultant that they have in the service centre... I have been in almost every department and performed almost every job function and as such should not be treated in the same manner as the rest of the staff. I think that if they will not come to the party in any way then I'm going to resign. If I give the same amount of notice I was going to anyway (ie/ 3 weeks) it means that I only end up leaving 3 weeks earlier than I planned anyway. I have about 18 days annual leave owing to me so that would be enough to live on until I leave for Perth. I'm sick of being a door mat and I really have nothing to lose for standing up for myself for once in my life.
I've inadvertantly started the ball rolling and I guess I need to follow it through now or risk looking like an idiot (mroe so that I already will for having to partiall reneg my position.
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