(no subject)

Dec 20, 2012 00:00

Sometimes I think that I'm going to trip through time. I think that I'll be walking along a path and suddenly ten years will pass in a stumble or a hundred years erased in a turn. I know dan well it's silly and right on par with the fear my teeth will liquefy or that the air will turn into water, but sometimes I still think about it. Sometimes it's daydream, a story I'm writing in my head starring myself (and that always is pretty terrible idea) or it's a nightmare of losing everything I know (also pretty bad).

Still, I thought about it again while driving today.

I got lost on the way to my parents house today. I missed my turn in the dark, and ended up taking a completely new route. Along the way, I found a dark, nearly deserted town (at only 7pm), and there was a gas station with lit up in orange and yellows. The thing could have been straight out of the 60s or 70s.

My phone's 3G and directions had cut out two towns before, so yangwarrior was on the phone (voice still worked) being my navigator, thus the idea only flitted though my mind before being dismissed. I did try to get a picture, but my phone continued to be bitchy, so I couldn't.

I rather wish I could have. The extra twenty minutes it took to get to my parents was a cheap price to see it.

...And I'm already sleep deprived. This is going to be a long night, but I'll be in Japan in 27 hours. 

rl, japan trip 2012

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