Don't know how to do dem cutz

May 23, 2006 17:22

1. Would you ever eat human meat if it was cooked appealingly?
Now this question I have actually thought a lot about since seeing it. The "Underground Man" side of me would say "I hope there is seconds," but I also feel as if I would wuss out. It would probably be the only time human meat would be cooked in a way I would find appetizing though. Hmmmm. I say a small bite, and if it is good, then maybe I shall eat all of Jeff.

2. How many feathers are on a Purdue chicken?
0 sonz.

3. When you went to New Orleans a while ago, do you remember the best thing you ate?
Hmmm, I really don't remember much of what I ate, but seem to only remember what I saw. Well, there was this one thing that was pretty good. I can't think of the name of it. I think it might have started with a B. Anyway, it was like 3 cressants(sorry for the spelling) all together with a ton of sugar. I guess more like fried dough, but a lot of it. It was quite good and explains the average weight of the South.

4. Do you think that Mr. Weintraub is attractive?
First off, no. I shall answer this question in as heterosexual way as possible. Okay, so when I first saw him, I thought he looked quite odd. But, as the year has progressed, I seem to be fine with the way he looks and have grown accustom to his look. I even see people in Boston who look like him, but that might be because he has a distinct look. This then may raise the question, can beauty(not saying I see it) can be found in anyone? If I can find a man to look weird and later find him to be normal, what does this say. But you will have to ask some of dem kitchen-folkz on how he looks.

5. Do you get tired of being the utility bassist for any blossoming musical endeavor?
I thought a lot about this question too. Now, I could say that I find it annoying, and I sometimes think I come off like I do(job well done me!). I am usually quite flattered by this, even if I am the only bassist around pretty much, but I suppose Daniel Radin and ChamCham are here. Regardless, I usually feel, not pressured in, but obligated to join a band if I have the time to do so, and usually end up being pretty busy in the end result, but currently I like my situation. I really like playing with Day Sleeper and TMOQ, and I jam with Animal Diplomacy when I have time. So to answer your question, if I have not done it already, it may be tiring, but it is quite fun being "the bassist" and it gives me a lot more freedom for what kind of music I want to play.

If you want me to interview you, just comment with a prompt for me to come in, sweep you off your feet, and give you one hell of an interview!
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