Jul 27, 2008 20:13
So about a week ago, there was this huge black widow living under our porch. She was scaring the bajeesus out of me, so I finally took a can of ant spray and freakin' drowned her in it.
Today I came home, was reaching for the door... and noticed a billion baby spiders crawling up the part of the wall next to the door.
Now there are lots of spiders around our front door, so they're not necessarily black widows, but I'm still scared. :(
And yes, I sprayed that entire area down. Whatever kind of spider they are, most of them are gone now.
And now I feel all icky because I was trying to find a good picture of a baby black widow online, but all I found were lots of creepy pics of adults and symptoms of their bites. Which I made the mistake of reading. And pics of brown recluse spiders, which I hope I never have the misfortune of meeting. At least black widows are kind of cool looking, but those things just terrify me.