LEVEL UP! (again)

Dec 14, 2012 00:33

It's that time again!

27 bloody years on this rock already and I'm still no where near figuring out my shape-shifting abilities or a way off the damn planet. Ah well. XD

Yesterday was pretty damn awesome. I woke up in the morning (after crashing around 3-something in the AM) and the 'rents and I headed off Up North to the Tel Dan nature reserve. Did a nice nature walk (it was all green and foresty and rivery and full of those little tree-tunnely kind of paths that my mother calls 'Elf Trails'. XD), following which we headed off and had lunch at an awesome Italian place. We proceeded to head back home from there, taking a stop or two along the way to obtain ingredients for Tiramisu (because I have this thing with Tiramisu and my birthdays, go fig) and black licorice (and a LOT of it. Another thing with me and birthdays XD). Got home, made the Tiramisus in question, and now I'm just about to crash.

Tomorrow, The traditional EPIC STEAK BIRTHDAY LUNCH. And The Hobbit. I don't know how the hell they managed to make THREE movies out of the bleeding Hobbit, but hey. Why not. ^^

level up

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