Oct 19, 2009 15:36
I just had an incredibly lucid dream, after AGES of not remembering dreams (barring one silly thing I had a completely irrational nightmare reaction to, but I'm not getting into that.)
I remember two bits very clearly - one of which involved me travelling through a temple-type-dungeon thing in search for the Holy Grail (yes, I know. Wait-what?) and running into assorted people who joined me along the way - Including Link and Zelda (of the Legend of Zelda series) Jacky Bryant and Pai Chan (of the Virtua Fighter Anime) and a few old schoolmates (most of which I haven't even seen in years) - and as the dungeon continued it started having all sorts of puzzles that required the combination of these different characters' skills. As we walked the final corridors there were animated murals showing assorted images - but be they the past of these characters, possible futures, or just nightmares of the characters, we didn't know - I avoided looking into them because I knew they were just distractions. Traps.
You see, I had this particular dream before with different characters. So I knew exactly what I was doing.
When we hit the final chamber, there was a sword in a display case - Excalibur, lawl. And behind it, locked inside another display case was the Holy Grail itself. Very typical and matching its description in every other video game it's in. I rushed over to the thing and was like "Okay, guys, I'm sorry but I have to do this. (ah-he-hem). STOP. WHOEVER WANTS TO CROSS THE BRIDGE OF DEATH MUST ANSWER ME THESE QUESTIONS THREE, 'ERE THE OTHER SIDE HE SEES!"
General laughter. Everyone knew the reference, and countered with their own Python lines. It was fun.
Then someone asked "So, now what?" and I was like "Oh, that's simple. We need to get Excalibur from the display case and slash the holy Grail in half. I've had this dream before."
"You mean this is a dream?" asks a character in disbelief.
"Oh yes. Been there, done that. You think something this contrived and video-game-like could exist anywhere outside my own mind?"
This is when I felt myself starting to wake up, but I didn't. I went into a spiel about Lucid Dreams, and how standing on that border between awake awareness and dreamscape can be difficult (all the time, of course, struggling with my eyelids becoming lighter and the dream blurring out of focus) but how I can do it - and I did it - Everything cleared out and I was in the dream again.
Naturally something had to change though. Excalibur was in pieces. I attempted to put it together again (the hilt was there, but seemed a little less ornate than last time, and there was no blade - though something blade shaped, flexible and made out of a thin metal sheet silently dropped from the sky - I picked it up and it matched) but something felt incomplete and I kept missing the grail. This conundrum was solved by some of my companions for this dungeon - who found more pieces and the instruction manual for the sword (seriously, it was like the assembly instructions for a Zoid or Lego or something. For a legendary aeons old sword. Mmyep. XD)
Well, it all worked in the end. XD
At some point the dream changed perspectives and this time seemed to involve my dad, other assorted people I didn't know - and Motorcycles. The whole thing took place somewhere very nice and outdoorsy with dirt paths and forests and hills and rocky outcroppings and the occasional waterfall/river - had a very north-of-Israel in Spring/Winter feel to it. I struggled with the motorcycle to be perfectly honest - probably because I was attempting to apply things I learned in -car driving lessons- to it (in all my motorcycle dreams before I just sort of intuitively knew just how the hell to drive the bastards, and drive them well. Huge irony there - I always had great luck with motorcycles in dreams. It's cars that ALWAYS had issues.) So I struggled with the thing for a bit - this was all on a dirt path, and there was this huge hill I had to get to the top of.) After trying to tune the mirrors (which weren't on the whole too functional anyway) I sort of realized that 1 - no one COULD come up behind me as I was the only one in the area WITH a vehicle, 2 - this WASN'T a car... And i pretty much launched myself up the hill (got stuck along the middle, shifted gears or something and gunned the throttle - BOOM. I got there. My cellphone played a damn victory theme. XDDDDD
(To all of you who actually know how motorcycles work: Bear with me. I -don't- know how they worked. And this was a dream anyway. xD)
And then was this whole weird segment that involved a lot of driving around these dirt paths, taking in quite a bit of nature, and ended with a bizarre secret group who rock climb, and I guess I sort of challenged them or something and I made it up their mountain by focusing the stories I heard about them into my intuitive climbing... They were bikers too I think. Had oddly Dragon Gundam inspired bikes. XD
Was an awesome damn dream. XD
wait what,