*::we don't hesitate to sing along-:-

May 12, 2004 08:01

first hour is fun! there are like 4 people here today because of the gov't ap exam. fine with me. effie is sitting next to me typing up her resume, isn't that cute? i think it is.

--This weekend is banquet, but I can't go because my parents decided that they wanted to go to Plant City. It sounds like some kind of theme park for botanists, but really it's the world's capital for winter strawberries. That's really a scary thought. It's ok though cuz I get to go horseback riding! I haven't done that since I went to Puerto Rico before sophomore year =-D

sssssscorch... you've been buurned.<3 effie

sorry, effie wanted to interupt. hot shit. ::effie's happy dance::

It's time for...
Favorite Quotes of the Week:

-"I feel all salt and wetty."-Laura aka Lula
-"Get me my fucking snack."-Sara aka Kala
-"I think my penis has a fever."-Brett aka BrettyPoo

{ha, now you can't say I never update, handin. HANDIN! {deep voice})
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