(no subject)

Dec 22, 2004 09:30

STOLEn from alana <3
My Father thinks I am: a genius
My Mother thinks I am: too mature for her
My grandma thinks I am: the greatest thing since sliced bread
My boyfriend thinks I am: his best friend
My best friends thinks I am: too busy and probably a shitty friend

Your three best qualities:organized,spontaneous (usually), loud (could go either way)
Your three worst qualities: self-centered, obsessive compulsive, and always hungry
Three things you are often complimented for: hair, brains, entertaining
A compliment you got that made you blush: dunno
I get embarrassed when:i speak before thinking
What upsets you the most is: not enough hours in the day, not enough freedom

Do you keep a diary?: yes
Do you like to cook?: yes
Do you have a secret you have not shared with anybody?: yes
Do you fold your underwear?: sometimes
Do you talk in your sleep?: dunno
Do you bite your fingernails?: no
Do you believe in love?: yes

Last song you listened to: matt ryzcek, typical day
Last song that was stuck in your head: the new ag song
Last movie you downloaded: none
Last DVD you bought: something for mother
Last CD you listened to: crow left of the murder
Last person you called: tyler
Last person that called you: tyler
Last TV show you watched: hmmm...ohhh thirty minute meals w ith rachel ray
Last person you were thinking of: chelsea lynn stump - i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: yessss
Do you think about suicide?:no
Do others find you attractive?: i guess
Do you want more piercings?: yes
Do you want more tattoos?: yes
Do you drink?: not really
Do you do drugs?: no
Do you smoke?: eww no
Do you like cleaning?: sometimes
Do you carry a donor card?: no

Have you ever cried over a boy/girl?: yes
Have you ever ever lied to someone?: yes
Have you ever been in a fist fight?: yes
Have you ever been arrested?: no

What shampoo do you use?: briliant brunette
What perfume do you use?: lucky, heavenly, very sexy
What shoes do you wear?: new blance
What are you scared of?: losing everyone i love

Number of times I have been in love?: 2x
Number of times I have had my heart broken?: 2x
Number of hearts I have broken?: i dunno probably more than i know
Number of boys I have kissed?: 11
Number of girls I have kissed?:lol 1, in the most non lesbianic way
Number of people I've slept with?:dont worry about it
Number of people I consider my enemies?: hahahaha NO IDEA
Number of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? dunno not out yet
Number of CD's I own?: no one can count that high
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 4 times not including the chariot
Number of things in my past that I regret?: cant say i know
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