I got distracted...

Jul 06, 2010 00:01

A glorious database of Kentish Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave Goods where someone has put a large database of grave by grave finds and descriptions online from the antiquarian reports. And some of them even include some fabric details (what little they were reporting in the 19th century and earlier) eg Sarre Grave 4 with gold 'braid'. Plenty of jewelery too (with scale markers!!), including beads.

Accept terms and conditions* >> digital corpus >> Site Index, and then start poking seemed to be one way in. Some graves have far more stuff than others.

Found linked off The Sutton Hoo Society link collection which looks to have all sorts of fun (archeological) stuff.

I should stop link chasing for the evening before I turn into a pumpkin at midnight.

* Can't seem to do direct links due to the way that works, but it is a site worth fossicking though in any case and they give a citation reference at the base of each page eg 'Sarre Grave 4', Novum Inventorium Sepulchrale: Kentish Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave Goods in the Sonia Hawkes Archive, July 2007, 1st Edition, http://web.arch.ox.ac.uk/archives/inventorium/grave.php, Accessed: 05 July 2010, so should be able to keep track of things that way.

grave finds, anglo-saxon, archeology, links

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