Astronomy on the radio

Jun 04, 2009 21:29

For those interested in Astronomy on the Radio:

Our Changing World, Tonight 9.00 pm, Radio New Zealand National

Alison Ballance and Veronika Meduna presenting

In the first episode in a series celebrating the International Year of Astronomy, Mt John Observatory’s Alan Gilmore, Grant Christie and other astronomers review the history of optical astronomy in New Zealand .

NIWA oceanographers Philip Boyd and Cliff Law talk about iron fertilisation experiments in the world’s oceans.
Ornithologists Colin Miskelly and Graham Taylor discuss the latest New Zealand threatened bird classification.
Scott Wing, the curator of palaeobiology at the Smithsonian explains how flora and fauna changed during the Palaeogene 50 million years ago when the world was experiencing a much warmer climate.
Shorter science, health and environment features also air during Afternoons with Jim Mora at 3.45 p.m. , Monday to Thursday. The programme is repeated at 1.10 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

(and for those who didn't listen in time, they post to the net :)
You can download a podcast or listen to streaming audio of programmes you’ve missed in the complete programme archive at:

Next week is apparently white dwarves (I'll lay bets Denis Sullivan) and stellar evolution (could be Karen or Peter or Denis).

(NB description culled from email notification I got.)


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