To share what I have been distracted by for the past 2, nope,3 hours

Apr 26, 2009 13:39

Yay to links off links off links:)

Bloggers doing very cool medieval stuff:

LJ user maxlu179 eg hend sewn tent and 13th C pouch

LJ user mikkelf84 doing some very cool leather working eg needle case, dice cups and a pouch. He has since moved to another blog shared with several of the others that I'll link to here with some cool stuff such as Birka Wallet and a replica (and photos of the original) of the Helgeansholmen purse (14th C).

LJ user louiseschelde also at haandkraft, doing some very cool clothing, dying and naalbinding. eg a very nice gambeson her brother has sewn. for iconography painting and lots of german brickstitch patterns. eg very cool strapwork pattern brickstiched purse

Taschen for a blog specifically about medieval purses and some more of the german brickwork embroidery.

Togs from Bogs which I have probably linked to previously. She has fairly recently posted about an upcoming book of interest: Medieval Garments Reconstructed: Norse Clothing Patterns by Else Ostergard, Anna Norgard and Lilli Fransen, translated by Shelly Nordtorp-Madson. David Brown Books Co describes it thus:

This volume begins with a short introduction by Else Ostergàrd to the amazing finds of garments from the Norse settlement of Herjolfnes in Greenland. It then features chapters on technique - production of the thread, dyeing, weaving techniques, cutting and sewing - by Anna Norgàrd. Also included are measurements and drawings of garments, hoods, and stockings, with sewing instructions, by Lilli Fransen. A practical guide to making your own Norse garment! 200p, illus. (Aarhus University Press 2009)

Due to come out in original Danish and translated English in Dec 2009.

And some other random links (also generally medieval):

Mittelalder Mobel for replica medieval wood furniture.

History undressed - random assortment, but what caught my eye was the guest post on making a Regency Era gown

Probably time to get on with the actual cleaning I was going to start about an hour ago...

blogs, medieval purses, embroidery, links

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