Wikipedia Astrology meme borrowed from
"Take the Wiki definition of your astrological sign. copy and paste it behind an LJ cut, and bold the statements that really agree with your personality. Reply to me saying you've done it so I can go look at yours!"
I've added commentary, cause I'm like that.
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac and associated with material and emotional security. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a calm, patient^1, reliable, loyal, affectionate, sensuous^2, ambitious, and determined^3 character. Generally, there is something distinctly sensual about the appearance^4. The Taurus person is resourceful, thorough, dependable, responsible, placid, stable, comfortable, solid, earthy, strong, money-oriented, practical, productive, cautious, musical, and artistic. They can also sometimes be stubborn, indulgent, insecure, acquisitive, possessive, rigid, stodgy and slow, and prone to hedonism^5, laziness, inflexibility, habituality, jealousy, and antipathy.
1 Except with sewing machines and computers.
2 Does snuggling up to fabric and skin count?
3 Maybe with finishing tents...
4 Maybe the hair, but that is about it...
5 Only occasionally.
Taurus is traditionally ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of love, desire, femininity, peace and harmony. Taurus represents the feminine sheath of Venus, and as such, is intensely magnetic. It is also the most feminine sign in the zodiac.
Yep, that's me. One of the most feminine ones around. Yeah...
The Taurus person is very affectionate in love, sensual, and instinctively aware of the power of their body sexually*. However, they are also very possessive and stubborn.
*Snigger.... Obviously...
Suitable occupations are where perseverance, practicality and responsiblity are awarded, and security is available; such as builders, farmers, bankers, civil servants, accountants and artistic pursuits, especially singing and sculpture. People born under this sign are said to be natural born musicians, as they are good with their hands and often have beautiful singing voices.
Well, that is a failure entirely on relationships and occupations.
11 out of 39 correct. (plus or minus 2 or 3 maybe) in the introductory characteristics.
Wonderfully accurate. Obviously can't live my life without following such advice...
I'll stop sniggering in a while... maybe...