(no subject)

May 29, 2006 14:33

I am carefully avoiding plotting up a spectral line of pure gaussian shape with depth 1 and FWHM of 3 angstroms (or wavenumbers - I realy need to check), especially since I then need to convolve it with the calculated spectum to calculate what the spectrum looks like after it has gone through a spectrograph. Yes, I know it is evil of me but you would be avoiding it too - I think I need to delve into dark corners of thesis notes...

Quiet weekend in which we cleared the sewing room a little and started on the list of "things what need to be gotten rid of, preferably with other people giving us cash for them". Then there were binges of sitting in a patch of sunlight reading "All Creatures Great and Small" and a candle lit bath.

There was an attempt to set up one of the computers we have as a pure games machine on Sat evening. Unfortunately the process of (re)installing win98 and transfering over the right drivers (and not getting all of them) meant no games were actually playable that evening. Z reckons I should play car racing games to improve reaction times. I just want to play Tetris... I still think projects, a good book or TV will win out over the computer games though.

Somewhat ironic watching the dramatic version of the 1999 East Timor elections and aftermath (Answered by Fire) and then seeing the news on what is going on in Dili at present... Indonesia really isn't doing well - tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanos... Not exactly the best location geologically speaking.

Edit: more procrastination - interesting reading at http://thewelltimedperiod.blogspot.com/ and http://pandagon.net/

Right time to delve... I think I remember which directory I was using it in...

procrastination, weekend

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