pardon me while I burst

Apr 08, 2007 08:45

or, in Polish
Wesolych Swiat!

wooo yay Jesus for risin' loll

so I'm in a bit of a predicament
I got DENIED by Emerson thats a no go
(lets not talk about it)
but I got accepted into Eugene Lang in NYC =)

my mom has evil tendencies and decided that...she will not pay a penny for me to go there
she hates the school (dont know why) and hates the city
she's totallly bent on me going to Emmanuel because she likes Boston better
Eugene Lang costs about $41,000ish a year
so far I'm not sure if they're going to give me any help yet..but basically they have to give me 20 K for me to be able to go there =(
it sucks ass because it looks like such an interesting school and NYC!! ah my dreammm....but theres no way in fucking hell i can pay off $160,000. its just not..physically possible. 
Like everyone says "oh whatever, thats what you have to do, take loans, blah blah"....uhm..yeah sounds great now. But just wait until you graduate and they send you that first payment, thats gonna bite you in the ass. I dont want to be in college loan debt for the next 20 years. thats ridiculous.

Theres just no reason for a college to cost that much money. its just...insane. ugh.

::sigh:: oh life.

oh btw, check out my new layout! its got headphones and it actually moves
'tis quite awesome
and I totally re-did my myspace page, if you wanna add me I'm right here

ugh. I can feel myself entering this like..gloomy era, again.
I guess lack of sleep/school is starting to catch up
the whole college thing is wrecking my mind
my mom and I are scream-fighting again
I'm looking/feeling fatter than ever
I cant find anyone to go to the Wolfmother show =( and the Jet concert is the night before the AP english test so no one can go =(((((
I cant find a male within a 1000 mile radius to even be attracted to me
golf everyday after school is rather tedious (unless Lisa is there haha )
and my weekends are starting to become a bit stale
I'll work on fridays or saturday mornings come home at 2 and everyone's already out so i sit at home and watch cooking shows
I can feel my friends drifting away

I..hate being emo.

Mikey from Incubus has carpal tunnel so he had surgery and cant play the guitar for 3 months 
=( = ( =(

that means no incubus concerts till June
::cries a little::

and they still need to make up all their european/other country tour dates before they even COME here to the US





(ok im done)

woot woot happy late bday to Olivia <33333
freaking old woman
and happy late bday to ewan mcgregor 0 =)
gorrrgeous man

UGH. i cant wait for Heroes to be back on!
lost and house were so good this week

oh man. lately I've been longing to go back to Poland so hardcore, idn why.
I miss my cousins and uncles though, I feel like in this two weeks of meeting them for the first time...I felt a bond with them better than I do some relatives I've known my whole life.
Idn..I guess its just...I also long for the pretty countryside near my grandma's hosue sometimes, because we were talking about the stars in Physics and it reminded me of how breathtakingly gorgeous the stars were at the farm since we were so far away from any cities

I think I miss the simplicity of life there a lot
such a different place than here. 
Europe has this different feel about it, that I love. 
oh, and I most definetly miss my British music tv stations! lolll

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