Pre icon post update

Feb 13, 2006 10:09

No new icons yet. Wenesday or Tuesday there should be a icon update. Mainly just posting to say I'm still alive. not that any of you care But you already know I'm still alive if you read or lurk at gundamseedgirl I've updated my resources entry and I've taken my resources off my info page and just left it as an entry since I'm to lazy to update the entry and my info page everytime I update my resources.

Speaking of my resources. I'm pretty sure I'v gotten everyone I'm DLed stuff from. I haven't be keeping very good track of who I'v got stuff from in the last couple of days mainly because I've gotten stuff from users who are already on my list but there a 1 or 2 who I'll just got stuff from. I bought a new book to so I can have one book just for my resources so that I can keep better track of thme but I haven't started using it yet. I know I have to hunt down the user who I got the Last Exile bases from. Other than that everyone is accounted for. At least I'm pretty sure everyone is accounted for But if I have DLed something from you and haven't added to my resources list just let me know and I'll add you ASAP.

I've been thinking about changing the header it'll still be Riku. But Riku from the Ending of KH 2 or maybe not since it might a spoiler for who hasn't watched the ending. I'll see, maybe I'll still change it and just give a heads up. Or I could use a Deep Dive image. Fuck it I'll use KH 2 Riku with a heads up or something.


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