Nov 14, 2005 14:18
1 Year Ago, I was:
o1. At Drexel
o2. Not very happy
o3. About 10 pounds lighter
o4. A lot less mellow (if you could say I'm mellow now?)
o5. Working on transferring to Hofstra
2 Years Ago, I:
o1. A senior
o2. About 20 pounds lighter
o3. Less cynical, happier
o4. More innocent
o5. On the Volleyball team
Yesterday I:
o1. Redecorated
o2. Went to Ikea for 2 hours
o3. Ate a hamburger
o4. Assembled a table
o5. I didn't really do too much
Today, I:
o1. Took an Econ test, and did moderately well, I think
o2. Actually did my hair
o3. Look pretty hot
o4. Slept through Psych
o5. Had an egg white omelet with broccoli, spinach and onions and it was delicious
Five Songs I Know All the Words To, Even Without the Music:
o1. Sugar We're Going Down- Fall Out Boy
o2. Somebody to Love- Queen
o3. Because of You- Kelly Clarkson
o4. We Belong Together- Mariah Carey
o5. At Last- Etta James (?)
Five Things I Would buy With $100,000:
o1. a new car
o2. clothes
o3. shoes
o4. books
o5. a CD (as in the financial investment) or stock
Five Bands You've been listening to Lately:
o1. Kelly Clarkson (not a band but whatevs)
o2. Counting Crows
o3. Tom Petty
o4. Fall Out Boy
o5. Death Cab
Top Five Locations I'd Like To Run Away To:
o1. Home
o2. Italy
o3. London
o4. NYC
o5. Prague
• clothes: jeans, shirt thing, my mom's white denim jacket that I stole from her
• jewelry: fake diamond earrings
• underwear color: hot pink
• nail color: sparkles
do you:
• lick yourself: only when i'm at a loss for a napkin
• whine a lot: I wouldn't call it whining, I'd call it complaining...whining seems childish, I'm usually angry and have a logical argument to back up my complaints
• yell a lot: sometimes i'm loud without realizing it
• hate a lot of people: yes
• have too many friends: not enough
• want to die: no.
• have a bf/gf: no *tear*
• do drugs: drugs are bad. don't do drugs.
• wear dark colors: not usually
• dye your hair: yes, no longer blonde though.
have you ever:
• kissed someone: yes.
• gotten drunk: yess
• worn a rainbow: i used to have a rainbow necklace but i never wore it because i thought people would think i was gay.
• talked on the phone for over 3 hours: probably?
• left the country: NO (Europe '06, i'm hoping)
• had a party with over 30 people: I don't think so? graduation party probably
• taken nude pictures: no, ew.
• stolen something: i had a habit of stealing things from people's houses, i've gotten over it though. I've accidentally stolen stuff, but not intentionally.
• caught something on fire: lmao. a plate in the microwave. who knew the sparkles were metallic?
• wanted to cheat on someone: haven't had the opportunity, not that i would
• asked someone out: i don't know?
• had a dream, then the next day it happens: totally. i dreamt i stepped on my bird and then the next day my cousin stepped on hers. craziness.
last person:
• you touched: umm some guy i walked into, I think I may have accidentally touched his butt.
• you talked to: christine, the secretary at work
you hugged: my mom and/or kristen
• you kissed: jeff? ew that was totally like a year ago. thats depressing
• you instant messaged: katie
• who broke your heart: delta zeta
info about yourself:
• what is your birth name?: Jessica Marie Lemp
what is your birthday?: May 8, 1986
• age: 19
• how tall are you?: 6'
• shoe size?: 11
• brothers/sisters?: 1 stepsister, 2 half
• job?: Student Aide at Math Department
• what is your favorite band?: I don't have a favorite at the moment
• color(s)?: pink and green
• soda?: diet dr pepper
• music?: i don't really know
• stores in the mall?: H&M, Old Navy, NY & Co, Limited (even though I never shop there), Gap
• ice cream?: cookies and cream
• roller coaster?: Kingda Ka
• candy?: Kit Kats or butterfingers
• cd?: my roommate and my's mixtape to annoy the neighbors
• cookies?: sugar
• juice?: grape
• holiday?: Thanksgiving
• month?: may and june
in the last 48 hours:
• cried?: no.
• missed someone?: yes.
• yelled at someone?: i don't think so
• changed your underwear?: yes.
• drove somewhere?: yes.
• talked to someone on the phone?: yes.
• been online?: yes.
• smiled?: yes.
• kissed someone?: no.
• hugged someone?: yes.
• last thing you ate?: pretzals
• talked to an ugly person?: yes
have you ever:
• been in love: no
• been in trouble with the police?: not that i can recall
• hit someone?: yea, but not like hard core punched, although I've felt the need to many a time
• broken something?: yes.
• betrayed a friend?: i don't know?
• played strip poker?: no
• skipped school?: yes, like its my job
• shot a gun?: no, but I would like to know when in her life Melissa Meadows shot a gun
• broke something important?: no?
• smoked weed?: no
• dyed your hair?: yes, last weekend
okay, last questions
• what is sitting next to you?: a chair
• favorite sport?: volleyball
• are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight?: straight.
• been in a plane?: yes.
• killed someone?: no. how many people have killed someone that it was a necssary question for a quiz?
• slept during class?: lmao less than 6 hours ago.
• are you bored of taking this survey?: not really.
• what time is it now?: 2:45 pm