Dec 05, 2010 12:25
November offically had to be the worst month. Everything that could go wrong did. I seriously think I have a curse where bad things only happen to me.
it started with....
1) My computer deciding to stop working, then crash, and erase all my work and lecture notes. This resulted in a 3 week war wity Best Buy becuase they wanted me to pay for the repairs even though I was not at fault and this is the second time it's happened! Im a university student and can't afford to have my computer failing on me. Best Buy has the worst customer service and STAY AWAY FROM HP.
2) I lose three term papers out of this, have to re do them, and now finals are here and I have no notes to my name. I worked really hard this year and have three As and two B's and would like to keep it that way.
3) My bos, being the proffesional guy that he is decides to tell me at work that he likes me and tries to get um..physical?. He gets shut down (obviously)..and then proceeds to start a rumor that we slept together while closing bar. I guess he can't take rejection well.
4)Britney, one of my roomates is really drunk one night and brings home some randoms. I was out as well at another bar and while I was still gone she decides to go in my room to use my phone. Random I'm aware. One of the guys steals my BIRTHDAY PRESENT which was the 8mg new video nano. Beucase my lap top crashed I lost 2000 I tunes files..and now with my I pod gone I have no music to my name.
5) My longboard gets snaped in half. Dont know why dont know how. Yes I longboard to class, pumping is good exercise.
6) My mom gets in a really bad car accident. When I say really bad, shes fine, but she was at fault and fucked up the other car really bad. Not only are my rents paying like 20 grand worth of damage, Im screwed becuase now my insurance goes wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy up. Great.
7) Registering for my classes next semester was a complete nightmare. Sign in and do it at my scheduled time. With my luck all the classes I need to take next semester are completey full and Im put on massive wating lists. I also couldnt get into any of my studio courses AGAIN becuase they are saved spots for only majors..thats great but I am a MINOR and would like to graduate. I know eventually with time Ill get my classes I need with a fight, its just a draining process.
I didn't even notice the time. I have to run to class..Theres more to be added to this list beleive it or not. But man does it feel good to vent.