
Nov 03, 2008 23:55


First Story:-

Overturning Gravity

50,000 Words AIM

General Summary:

Two 'orphans' in French Revolution who got separated before a Vaudeville circus show bought them back together to face conspiracies, hidden freedom groups and finding out their true histories.

Detailed summary:

Spencer is the son of the noble family Smith, living in England all his years until he had to return to his birth country, France to visit his grandmother who is ill and also to complete his course at the University in Paris. He was dragged to a local Vaudeville circus show at the heart of Paris and a chance encounter with the heart of the show, Ryan Ross bought his whole world into a standstill when France enters into its French Revolution period and chaos traps him and his heart.

Author's Notes:-
The story does not follow the historical facts. I'm well aware that Vaudeville shows does not exist during the period of French Revolution.


Spencer touches the soft golden-threaded red linen covers of his bed, looking up at the ceiling of his bed and he sighs, fluttering his eyelids close to block out the pale yellowish sunlight shining into his room from the huge window gracing the wall of his room. Its early in the morning, mist still clinging to the leaves of the roses grown in the garden outside his house. It is morning, but it is not just any morning.

Spencer doesn’t want to go, doesn’t want to leave the comfort of his home here in England, here where everything is easy. Familiar. Known faces and known comforts. He does not want to leave all these and go back to France, go back to his homeland where everything is, despite it being where he and his family came from, was nothing more than a mystic foreign land that everyone croons over the romantic notions that it excludes. Spencer doesn’t want to, but he has to.

His university demands that he has to spend 2 years at their French sister university, the University of France before he could graduate from his hell course of economics. Spencer wonders why he wasn’t as enthusiastic as his friends about his course. All of them were excited about it, about doing trades and getting rich, but Spencer just, he just isn’t into this line. He just does not feel like it’s his calling. Like there’s something else outside, something else calling him from this, this life as he knows it.

Spencer sighs, shaking his head as he buries his head into his pillow, ignoring the loud yell from Jacques, his French caretaker and worker in his home, calling for him from the outside of his house, probably in front of their family’s horse carriage, judging from the sound of the horses neighing and scratching their hoof on the yellow soil.

Spencer crawls under his sheets and maybe, just maybe, he could disappear into his bed and never leave this place.

That plan would, might, have worked if it wasn’t that his bratty (in Spencer’s opinion) pair of twin sisters, decided that he is a nice piece of human trampoline and jump on him. A loud pained groan escaped his lips with the full twin weight on top of him, giggling obnoxiously and poking at Spencer’s face. Spencer swats at their hands, trying to push them off with all his might, but they just. wont. budge. Just poking and laughing at him. Goddamnit.

“I’m up!” Spencer shouts, trying to push them off again as they giggles louder, now twin poking down his chest as well, and Spencer hates that. He hates that okay? No one pokes his chest. No one.

Spencer growls, pushing again, this time harder and he was free. He quickly jumps, feeling triumphant, lifting up his hands before he ducks from the pillows being thrown at him like a missile by Crystal, a large pout on her face. “Come back here, Spencie!” She calls out as she jumps towards him. Spencer quickly darts away, but even then, that wasn’t fast enough because Crystal manages to grab to his hand and clings to his back, grinning victoriously at her twin sister.

So maybe now Spencer doesn’t feel like he’ll miss home that much with this twin brats torturing him here. He frowns.

Amelie walks in, turning to look at him before stopping, a huge amused grin appearing on her lips as she leans against the door, looking highly amused at Spencer’s misery. Spencer growls, making a sad face at her, trying to shrug his sister off him but she just won’t budge, clinging to him like a parasite, giggling.

“Amelie!” he says, making a pout at her.

If anyone can get his sisters off him, it is her. Amelie’s 18 years old, one of their youngest workers working in his family’s home as the twin’s nannies (and really, Spencer thinks that that job has to be the hardest job in the world) and Spencer possibly regards her as his savior. Savior from the demons in his life known as his sisters.

Amelie laughs, winking at him before walking over, trying to dislodge Crystal from Spencer’s shoulder but Crystal pouts, clinging to her brother tighter. Spencer groans, trying to stay calm as Amelie talks to her before using the old trick of telling them that there’s cake in the kitchen and before Spencer can even blink, they were gone.

Spencer groans, flopping back onto his bed as Amelie laughs. Spencer pouts up at her.

“Don’t you ever leave this place. If you do, please tell me so that I won’t come home after my studies in France,” he says casually, groaning as he shakes his head.

Amelie giggles, giving a soft poke at his forehead. “They are not that bad.” She says, laughing.

“Not that bad. Sure Am. Newsflash! They’re worst than pure nightmares,” Spencer says, shaking his head.

Amelie laughs before shaking her head, a sad smile appearing on her lips. “So you’re really going to France?” She says softly, her hair falling over her forehead from her aubergine-colored headband, a quiet but heavy silence falling over them.

Spencer swallows at the tone, nodding quietly.

“Yeah. Have to,” he breathes. “Course requirement and- just, grandma isn’t exactly in the best of health,” he whispers softly, feeling heavy hearted as he sweeps the hair off his face, sighing softly.

Amelie nods, biting her lip as she looks down, being quiet and if Spencer were to look back at that period of time, maybe acting little strange too. Spencer closes his eyes as he leans against his fluffy pillow, taking a deep breath as he tries to maybe remember that feeling and scent of his room and store it in his memory because 2 years is a long time. Spencer has never left home that long and he’s already homesick before he even left it.

“Thanks for helping me with the twins and all,” he whispers, trying to pick up another conversation after a long bound of silence. He can feel Amelie nodding to it, but still keeping quiet, her hair dropping over her forehead. Spencer hates the awkward quietness but he doesn’t know how to break it. It shouldn’t be that awkward when you’ve to leave your best friend, even if she’s a girl and a maid in his home.

“Yeah,” she breathes out in an airy wavering voice. “You should go. Jacques is going to be mad if you delay it any longer,” she whispers. “Good luck and take care of yourself.”

And then, in a snap of a moment, Spencer feels a quiet warm breath against his lips. Spencer’s breath catches in his throat, opening his eyes quickly but she was already gone.

spencer/ofc, overturning gravity, beginning, ryan/spencer, french revolution, nanowrimo

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