(no subject)

Mar 13, 2006 00:25

I'll post a recount of my time in Spain -- and how you can get high there just by standing outside certain clubs -- sometime soon. Or, you know, not.

In the meantime, there's something I was thinking about yesterday. Hell if I can remember what spurred it, but it was this one thing, and something swabian said -- that we could keep each other updated on Backstreet-related stuff in Germany. Which got me to thinking: isn't there a community for that? And if there isn't: why not? Should I create one? I'm thinking about a community to announce any BSB or NSync related things to happen in Germany -- tours, appearances, tv specials, releases (I doubt JC will release his second record over here, but you can hope, right?). And yes, Austria too. ;) What do you think?

Have a meme now before I got to bed:
Ask me one question about each of the following, no matter how rude, sexual, or confidential. Then post this in your journal and see what questions you get asked!

1. friends
2. sex
3. music
4. drugs
5. love
6. livejournal

You can ask anonymously if you like!

bsb, nsync, meme

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