Snowflake Challenge - Day 1 - 3

Jan 06, 2021 01:46

So, let's see if I‘ll make it to the end of this...

Challenge #1
In your own space, introduce yourself! Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Hello, my name is mira. Well, it’s not really, but it’s been my nick on various sites and forums on the internet for more than twenty years now. I live in the south of Germany about in the middle between my parents’ house and my sister’s apartment. My parents also have to drive right by my house if they go see mom’s side of the family, which means I sometimes get to reap the benefits from birthday visits (cake!). I also have a foster brother, but my family and his haven’t had any contact in almost 18 years. Last year, we’ve begun to slowly, slowly start building a relationship again, but it’s completely open as to how that will develop.

I had my first brush with a fandom when I joined Buffy newsgroups (anyone remember newsgroups?!?) a long time ago. Then the Lord of the Rings movies came out, I read the books, watched the movies, and found myself unsatisfied with the lack of an ending for Merry and Pippin. I searched for fanfiction, and it was all downhill from there.

I spent some time in various fandoms, most notably Harry Potter (strictly Fred/George, though) and Popslash (NSync), but I’ve been firmly rooted in Supernatural since a few months after it began airing. Both my incest (see Fred/George) and my RPS (see Popslash) cherry had already been thoroughly popped, so I began reading and writing Sam/Dean and Jared/Jensen - with some occasional other characters thrown in. Nowadays I mostly read and write Jared/Jensen.

I’m mostly quiet on my journal nowadays, also because most of my friends don’t post much anymore, either, but I’d love to change that.

Challenge #2
In your own space (or their own space) interact with someone new. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. No need to leave a link for this one, but if you’d like to invite others to join the conversation, please do leave one.

Skipping this one, because I’m terribly, terribly shy and hate to make the first step. But I will happily talk back when people talk to me.

Challenge #3: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
In your own space, tell us who, from one of your fandoms, would you most want to have dinner with (or tea, or a random afternoon visit), And why? This could be a creator, an actor, a costumer, a set designer, a director, a character, a composer, anybody! What would you talk about? What are you dying to know? Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I’d love to have dinner with Jared Padalecki and his family. Not only to pick his brain about Supernatural, but also because he is such a nice human being. I’m not saying he never slips up or makes mistakes, but I’ve rarely come across someone who down at his core is so kind and loving. He gives the best bone-crushing (and that is not just a word here) hugs, even though he doesn’t know you at all and only has five seconds till the next person steps up for a picture.

Also, during this trying last year, we got a lot of insight into other people’s homes as they gave interviews from their living rooms, and from that, and from his wife’s Instagram pictures, their house just looks really homey and comfortable. I’d love to see that.

I was just thinking that it would probably be nice to not just have dinner, but all cook together. I'm not sure whether Jared can actually cook, but his wife can, I can, and it's always useful to have someone for the mundane tasks such as cutting veggies. This entry is crossposted to You can comment there, too.

challenge, fandom

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