Last chance to ask for a Christmas card
here (Dreamwidth) or
here (Livejournal)!
Instagram annoys me to no end at the moment. Not only is every third post on my friendslist (viewing list? feed?) an ad, it is somehow connected to my Facebook account. I did not connect that. I did not want to connect that. My Instagram does not mention my real name. The only "connection" is that I used the same email address to sign up for both. Yet once in a while someone I only have friended on Facebook adds me on Instagram. I don't mind if people find me, but I really wish it weren't so easy.
I also wish Instagram would stop lying to me when I click away "hashtags that you might be interested in", and it assures me it will hide that feature in the future. Only to have it pop up again the next day. I'm also quite capable of looking for new stories on the top of the effing app page, I don't need that repeated when I scroll down.
Although I have created an account at some point, I've never managed to understand how Tumblr really works, so I'd be happy if fandom moved back somewhere more user friendly. I like to be able to tell who content comes from, or to see what a specific user posted themselves (be that pictures or videos or text). Tumblr's convoluted reposting system made that very hard - at least for me, maybe other people had more luck.
I am a bit sad because I have another Tumblr account strictly for viewing gay porn (I did absolutely not care where that originally came from). Obviously that won't be allowed anymore, so I'm, ahem, saving some stuff. Which takes up a lot of space and will probably take me years to sort.
I've seen a couple of petitions, or maybe it's only the one, to make the Tumblr powers that be rethink their decision. I think it's a valiant effort, but ultimately completely useless. I'm pretty sure the Tumblr PTB do not care one bit about what their users think. Just like any bigwig tech company and most of the smaller ones.
I don't know if I've suddenly developed an allergy, whether it's a rash or just winter-dry skin or what, but for a couple of days now, some part of my body will itch like crazy. I'll scratch, then I'll be fine for a while, until another part starts itching.
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