(no subject)

Mar 25, 2018 13:26

Hello! Long time no see. How is it almost April already?!
A couple of weeks ago my computer froze and refused to fully boot again. :( I've been searching desperately for the Windows CD to fix it, but no luck so far. Fortunately my sister lent me her old laptop for now.

I'm doing some Supernatural Convention-hopping in May. First to Birmingham for the Creation Convention, then two days in London for sightseeing and shoppping before flying to Rome for Jus in Bello. I'm only attending Saturday and Sunday in Birmingham (because that's when the Js and Misha are there) and with the cheapest ticket. Of course I still had to pay the 15 dollars or so for "international shipping" - meaning they sent me a pdf file...

I'm already planning all the things I need to eat on my trip - which will probably undo all the dieting efforts of the last weeks. I'm doing the 5:2 diet, meaning I fast two days a week, usually Tuesday and Friday. As a woman, you're actually allowed to eat up to 500 calories on your fasting days, but it's easier for me to eat nothing at all. I'm not even really getting hungry any more on those days, rather a feeling of emptiness. And I can eat anything I normally eat during the rest of the week. It works great for me, and I think I dropped some weight already. Although I can't be sure, since I don't own a scale to check.

I'm getting a new couch on Wednesday! It's been long overdue. There's been a permanent dent in the old one for years. The new one was a bit on the pricey side, but I really liked it in the shop. I tried to put up the old couch for sale on ebay. But the only two people who were interested was guy A, whom I told - numerous times - that I was only available for him to come over in the evenings, starting on Tuesday. So of course on Monday at midday while I was at work, he wrote me a message, "Do you have time now?" That was after he saw the need to offer his service as a mechanic if I ever needed one. Guy B, instead of asking much about the couch, dwelled on endless his and Good mornings and Why don't you reply [to the good morning]s. Then, after I told him the couch was already gone (total lie), he asked whether I'd go out with him for coffee because I looked cute. That was the point when I made my Whatsapp profile picture only visible to my contacts, told him no and blocked him.
The couch is now going to the bulk waste collection.

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stuff, vacation, supernatural

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