Feb 19, 2011 01:44
Thank you for commenting on the post about my poor second gerbil passing away. Sadly, his death had less impact than the first one did. Damon was always more quiet and inconspicuous than the other two, and the neutral one in their fight. He spent more time in the nest, maybe because he was a bit overweight, until he lost a lot of weight really fast. I still liked him. Jimmy seems to at least miss them a little; he just allowed me to stroke him while he was in his nest for at least a whole minute.
My mom always complains about finding my hairs everywhere, on the floors, in the lint filter of her dryer, in the rugs. I think it's a bit unfair, everyone else loses hairs, too, but mine are at least three times as long as the rest of the family's and a shimmering auburn. Also, the few hairs she finds are nothing compared to what I have to deal with. Each time I shower and brush my hair (In only brush it once each "shower cycle" or else it'll look stupid) I end up with a huge ball of hair, and I could spend hours each day picking them from my clothes. I think it might be the water here; it didn't use to be that bad.
I got a DVD player recently. Yes, I know, years after everybody else, but I never had a TV before. I didn't have the space, so I had just a TV card in my computer. But now I do; it's on a shelf with wheels, conveniently located so I can turn it towards my couch or the open door of my bedroom if I want to watch something before going to sleep. And I love the DVD player; you can plug in a flash drive so I can watch things that I downloaded on the slightly bigger TV screen without having to burn them onto a CD or DVD first. Or laying cables all over the floor to connect the TV to the computer.