Twitter makes you kind of lazy, doesn't it? All the things I used to talk about in lj I now cram into a tweet or two.
My yoghurt's gone from the fridge and I'll let you guess who ate it. I'll give you a hint: it wasn't me. I really don't mind sharing, but if I count on something being there when I get home, I damn well want it to still be there. I sometimes steal milk from my roommate, too, because I usually only need a tiny bit, but I would never empty it.
There is
this nice meme. I'm keeping my prompt to myself, though, because I'm already writing it: Jensen is a porn star who can't get it up lately. Until he meets Jared, the top in the next movie. I just woke up with that in my head a few days ago. No idea where it came from.
I went to see Supernatural button girl, but she wasn't working. I was a bit nervous because I have a terrible memory for faces. After the first meeting, at least. Once it's been two or more times, I usually never forget them. Then I thought that was monumentarily stupid, because it's not like a hundred different people work in that store. I should be able to recognize her just by knowing that it's not one of her colleagues. Just like I went in today and saw that the woman behind the cash register wasn't her. Well, next chance on Sunday. I'm visiting my friend, who lives in the same city, and I'll most likely come by train. I love my annual ticket that lets me use all the public transportation (of a certain region, but that's huge).
A follow-up to creepy guy at the pride parade (different guy, though):
Dear guy on the train home from work,
yes, it is entirely possible to have been in a (imaginary, but no way would I have told you that I'm single) relationship for two years without
- being married and/or living together
- being engaged and/or wearing a ring on your finger
- having kids.
And 29 is plenty young enough to still have time for all three. If I have to wait another ten years to get married and have kids if that means that I don't try to flirt with people while travelling with my own 2-year-old (Although I don't know if it was his. I didn't ask and didn't care.), I happily will.
Absolutely no love,
At work we have this Excel file where I note all orders that we've delivered since 1999. My company builds custom-equipped machines, so it's really useful for when we sell a used machine and we can look up where it's been before. Or if someone yells that the customer didn't get their manuals and I can say, "yes, they did, they went out with the machines on May 7". I took over this file from my predecessor (now co-worker), though, who in turn took it over from his predecessor, and really, the crap those two noted in it...
On May 7, 2008 3 x manuals (large white binders) taken to shipping [department] (Frank), asking them to add them to the machines. Or On May 7, 2008 3 x manuals (blue plastic folders) directly given to Frank. Machines were already being loaded onto truck. Seriously. Six years from now, who cares if the folders were blue or black and if the truck was already waiting or not. I'm searching for the one entry that says On May 7, 2008 3 x manuals taken to shipping. Was raining outside, so had to take longer way through the building. I'm sure it's there somewhere.
When I do it, I say: May 7, 2008 3 x manuals to shipping
Co-worker is generally a fan of beating around the bush. I'm slowly overhauling all of our manuals. Today I deleted two whole pages from one because in my opinion a manual should describe the machine it is written for and not advertise all the lovely equipment you can buy for it. If I read the manual for a tv there are no ads for the producer's dvd player or loudspeaker system, either.