My internet connection broke off yesterday evening out of the blue and wouldn't start again. *grrr* On the other hand, it meant that I got to bed before 2 in the night for a change, and when I woke up this morning I wasn't dead tired as usual. Aaaand, I fixed whatever problem was making the connection break off every 30 secons in the last few weeks. I just changed some settings in the wireless connection and it's been working ever since. I still have no idea why it didn't work, though, as it did just fine with the standard settings before. *shrugs*
Ugh, pulling up my blinds because of the wind outside wasn't such a good idea. Now I can see how hideously dirty my windows are.
Have some probably disconnected thoughts about
Supernatural 2x12:
I enjoyed it, but it left me with an overall feeling of sadness. And we can stop with the cases having parallels to Sam and Dean any episode now, thankyouverymuch. Oh, Dean... I know you're probably right when you say that you'll die before you grow old, but could you be a little less matter-of-fact about it?
I'm slowly really fearing for the end of the series. I hate unhappy endings, and I especially hate endings where all the main characters die at the end, even if it's for a good cause. It makes me feel cheated, somehow. Like, I've been asked to care about someone for x seasons, and then they kill them off. Movies or stories, too. They can still be good, mind you, but an ending like that leaves a sour taste about the whole thing for me.
Okay, here's the thing I don't quite understand: Sam says he hasn't got a problem with the "psychic thing". But isn't the "psychic thing" exactly what he's doing? So is there something else we don't know about (yet)? Or am I just not getting something here. Also, at the end it sounded like there was something Sam could do to end everything, so there wouldn't be anything to hunt when they're older.
Is it just me, or do we have a lot of ambiguous bad guys lately? Except for demons, and even there we have Ruby who (supposedly! I'm still not betting any money on that) deep inside her has a good and gentle heart. The murderous siblings last week were a product of their upbringing, the guy with the wishing well just wanted a girlfriend, the dracula shapeshifter was a product of society which didn't accept him, the guy who morphed into a cannibal didn't do anything until someone tried to kill his wife. There used to be more spirits or creatures who were just bad.
ETA: Now, whyever did I write 2x12 at first??