(no subject)

Oct 12, 2007 16:11

I love Friday mornings.

Wait, so it's JOHN'S KID? Dean's (half-)brother? Lisa slept with both Dean and his dad? And wasn't sure whose kid it was? Hasn't that family ever heard of condoms? I know, what are the odds, but c'mon, Ben was just too much of a second Dean to not be related to him. They even wear the same clothes. They have the same holes in the pants! Look! And hey, leather jacket? Couple of scars? No mailing address? Sounds familiar?

This episode was the creepiest thing I've seen in a while. I couldn't even watch most of the scenes with the kids, they freaked me out.

I liked knife-girl a lot more in this episode. She didn't come across as someone the creators want to force you to like, which helps a lot. She's a demon, all right, much better than some snotty hunter chick who treats the Winchesters like children who don't know anything. Because I hate that. Sam and Dean are some of the best that's out there. Not that she didn't try anyway, but I loved how Sam took her attitude for maybe a minute before he yelled at her. Hot. Also, I can't see her riding along in the backseet of the Impala -- or worse, the front -- anytime soon.

From the beginning:

  • They trying to win a prize this season to show as much disgusting stuff as they can get away with? But actually, my first reaction to the scene in the garage was: Oh my God, it's evil Pumuckl!

  • Sam, you're pretty, but your cover stories (at least the ones you tell Dean) suck.

  • So Dean apparently has taken some time off at least once before to go on a road trip by himself, leaving John and Sam to work a job alone. Oooh, who wants to bet that it was right after John gave him the Impala? And Dean either has a very good memory for all of his hoock-ups, or the weekend with Lisa was extraordinarily good.

  • Hee. I love how Dean just drops Sam off at the side of the road, but Sam gets a twin room anyway. :)

  • Awkward! Love how Dean's all, hey cool, lets go visit that one-weekend-stand from eight years ago, and she's so, uh, hello Dean, what the fuck are you doing here? I expected her to start asking if he wasn't on the FBI's most wanted list.

  • He is so mini Dean! AC/DC! The eating (simultaneous cake-eating, even)! The cake with the old cars! Staring at chick's butts! His talking!

  • Gratuitous shots of Dean's ass while women discuss his sexual skills. Rawr. And a nice blow against all the people who said that Dean was a good flirt, but probably bad in bed.

  • So, Sam, the Antichrist, born to a mother named Mary. Interesting.

  • Okay, that little girl is really creepy. The first time I watched it I had my eyes covered.

  • Dean teaches Ben how to fight! And look how guilty he looked when Lisa found out. Like it's his own mother scolding him.

  • Some more creepy kids. And one creepy creature that I'm glad I didn' see while my room was still dark. Now where have I seen that leaving the kid to drown in the car scene before? C'mon, woman, you know it was going to come back.

  • Siegfried Houdini. *snort*

  • If that kid isn't a Winchester, I'm eating the ball of hair I pull out of my carpet every week (and it's a lot). Did you see that look when all children had climbed out and he looked back at Dean fighting the mom changeling? I swear he was hesitating if he should stay back and try to help.

  • Please fire the one who cut in that awful music.

  • SAM DROVE THE IMPALA! After a whole season of not being allowed to.

  • Is Dean going to get to kiss someone every episode now? Because I wouldn't mind.

  • Sam can also yell a lot more, if you ask me. Preferably when angry. And have bruised knuckles.

  • So. I honestly don't know what demon knife girl could get out of finding out what happened to Mary and the people around her, so I'm not gonna start thinking about it. It could be simply because she had a personal row with the YED (you know, for a minute I thought she might be Meg-demon). Maybe she wants to become yellow-eyed herself. It could be anything. It's intriguing, definitely, as is that she thinks she can help Dean, but I think it comes too early in the new season. Dean just made his deal two episodes ago, and already they present us with someone who has a possible solution.

  • Ah, whatever, good episode. Scares, laughs and mysteries.


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