Ficlets: Supernatural and CW RPS

Oct 04, 2007 22:30

It's sad that the fact that the new Supernatural episode was available to some people yesterday apparently already means that spoilers are now okay to post, minor as they might be. Or is it too much to ask someone to please edit their post and not mention the episode title? Because I really want to leave a comment. Of course, for me it's too late now. ETA as of ten minutes later: People have already pointed it out. Couldn't you have been faster, though, CJ? ;)

Of the postive Supernatural news, I made a very short trip home (Tuesday to today) and picked up my season 2 DVDs while I was there. Love. I had to pay taxes this time (or rather, my dad did), but strangely enough last time I didn't. The funniest thing, however, is the note on the back of the box: "NOT AUTHORIZED FOR SALE OR RENTAL OUTSIDE THE USA AND CANADA." Well, I guess it wasn't really sold outside the US, if you want to take it literally.

I offered ficlets a few days ago, and over the last few days I finally got them done.

Jensen/Jared and handcuffs for wendy

The thing Jared worries about isn't, as one might expect, where Jensen has gotten handcuffs from - either he swiped them from set, or there's more to the story of how he and Steve got drunk once and thought it was hilariously funny to try to steal a park bench - but the fact that he closed those cuffs around Jared's wrist ten minutes ago, and Jared is about six light years farther away from release than he's been before.

"C'mon. Jensen."

"Soon," Jensen just says and goes back to biting at Jared's stomach, teeth pressing in lightly.

"You said that half an hour ago," Jared argues and rattles the cuffs. "Fuck me already, or let me out of these so I can go jerk off in peace."

It's clearly the wrong thing to say, because Jensen stops what he's doing, raising his head. "You know, if you think you'd rather have fun without me, don't let me stop you."

It's an empty threat, Jared knows it is, Jensen enjoys it far too much: playing with him, getting him off. But then Jensen takes his hands away as well, and Jared folds like a blade of grass in the wind. "Christ, Jensen. Please."

"You're pretty when you beg, y'know that?" Jensen muses, putting one hand back where it belongs on Jared's hip and reaching for the bedside table with the other.

It's strange not to touch Jensen when Jared usually has his arms and legs all wrapped around him while they fuck, but Jensen's finally getting on with the program, so Jared won't complain. Especially not when Jensen gives him a tight fist to thrust up into, even though there is no way to avoid the bad pun of Jared being "a little tied up right now" to do it himself.

And besides, payback's a bitch, and Jared knows where Jensen keeps the cuffs now.

Sam/Dean and hurt-comfort spooning for ninjetti75

After the third time that Dean wakes him up with the rustling and hissing coming from his bed, Sam rolls over and opens his eyes. "Can't sleep?"

"No," Dean grumbles.

"Why n-"

"Geez, I don't know, Sam. Might be because I have a dozen stitches in my side and it fucking hurts when I turn over."

"Then don't."

"Yeah, thank you, smartass. Like I'm doing it on purpose." Dean pointedly rolls away from him, hissing again, so sharply that Sam winces. In two steps he's beside Dean's bed and crawls under the covers before Dean can even say, "Sam, wha-"

"Shh." He nudges Dean gently over onto his good side, then presses against Dean's back, one arm on the pillow over Dean's head, one hooked over his hip, just below the line of stitches.

"What the fuck?" Dean asks, but he's not struggling to get away, so that's a plus.

"Gonna make sure you don't turn again, okay?" Sam says.

Dean sighs, but keeps still, and after a minute Sam feels him relax. He jumps, though, when Sam sticks a hand down his boxers.

"Sammy -"

"Shut up, I'm helping you fall asleep."

"Not really making me sleepy," Dean grits out as Sam slowly strokes him to hardness.

"You'll sleep after," Sam promises, tucking his nose behind Dean's ear. "You're a guy."

"Thank God one of us is," Dean says, and Sam taps his balls. "Aw, shit."

It's not the best sex they've ever had, but it's good, and Dean comes messily over Sam's fingers while Sam holds him steady, making sure he doesn't tear the stitches. Sure enough Dean curls his head down to his chest after, going slack in Sam's arms. Sam takes the opportunity to cuddle a little - this is the only time Dean ever really lets him do that - and drops a kiss on Dean's shoulder before he closes his eyes.

Jensen/Jared and a double-headed dildo for ihearthings_ii (warning: there is some het mentioned)

"Sandy 'n' me did this once," Jared says, and Jensen nearly slips from the pillow he's propped up on and impales himself all at once.

"What?!" He can't believe Jared just said that, right in the middle of - "Do you really want to talk about your ex right now?"

Jared shrugs. "You said you used to imagine me and her having sex."

"No," Jensen says. "I used to imagine you having sex. You just happened to have a girlfriend." He can't deny that the thought is hot, though, Sandy's small delicate fingers preparing Jared before slowly sliding one head of the dildo inside him and the other into herself. The back of Jensen's neck starts prickling.

Jared pushes again, fits another inch inside. Jensen reaches down to hold him there. "It wasn't this one, was it?"

Jared grins. "Brand-spanking new, baby. Hold still." He lies down on his back as well, ass to ass with Jensen as he takes the other end in. They find a rhythm after a minute, pausing and adjusting to find the perfect fit.

"Would you want it to be?" Jared says suddenly.

"Huh? … Oh, fuck, there…"

"The dildo. Would you want it to be the one I used to fuck Sandy with." Jensen's impressed that Jared manages to form whole sentences still.


"Maybe it is."

Jensen clamps down, and Jared's breath hitches when the dildo slides out, then in at his next thrust, held in place by Jensen's clenched muscles. "You just said -"

"Maybe I lied. Maybe the end that was in me's in you now."

"Jesus." Jensen nearly shouts as he comes all over himself, back arching till his spine pops. Still trembling he pulls off and moves around between Jared's spread legs, takes hold of the dildo and slams it in. He slaps Jared's hand away from his cock, replacing it with his mouth. One long, slow lick and Jared's spurting on Jensen's tongue, moaning Jensen's name as if it's the last thing he ever wants to say.

"It wasn't," Jared says later, when they're lying side by side. Jensen feels incredibly messy. He should go wash his mouth and wipe his stomach, and he will. In a minute or ten. "I mean, it really is new. Was new."

"I know."

Jared rolls on his side and props up on one elbow to look at Jensen. "But we could pretend, if you want. You know, you seemed to like -"

"Shut up."

Jared's laughter follows him all the way to the bathroom.

cw_rps, fiction, supernaturalfic, supernatural

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