(no subject)

Sep 18, 2007 00:34

Kill Bill Volume 2 was on TV yesterday, and because nothing else was, I watched some of it. Today I looked something up, and I saw that it had an R rating. Whoa. If I write about two guys fucking each other in detail and with love, I have to give it an NC-17 rating, but this is an R?! I remember seeing scenes of Volume 1 when I was in a hostel in Ireland and someone had put the DVD in, and I found some so brutal that I had to turn away. And apparently, Tarantino wants to release an NC-17 DVD version soon. What can possibly make this movie go up one rating point if it isn't already?! Hm, maybe a flashing of nipples...

Still about movies: What amuses me is not only that Hollywood sometimes takes an existing film (like Bella Martha) and do a remake (No Reservations), apparently down to camera angles and 1:1 translated dialogue, because redoing a movie with Hollywood stars will probably sell better. In itself I find that pretty funny. But what amuses me most is that I am assumed to find that great, too, and am supposed to run to the nearest cinema, because it's shown it in Germany, too. I liked the original quite fine, thanks, I don't need to see Catherine Zeta-Jones do the exact same thing.

A meme from saba1789

1. Story behind your LJ Layout?
I liked the picture, and the yellow/golden colors fitted.

2. What's bothering you right now?
That I've accomplished nothing all day.

3. Do you close the door when you pee?
Here, yes, and I lock it. At home I usually don't.

4. Wallet?
It's white (well, it used to be) with red flowers and little felt hearts.

5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
This one. I have a matching icon, too.

6. Background on your cell phone?
What cell phone?

7. Jewelery worn daily?
I have a leather band around my right wrist that I've worn for about one year and four months now. I only really take it off when I'm scrubbing out the trashcan or something.

8. Where your default icon was taken?
It's from the intro of a show I loved to watch as a kid: Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs.

9. Eyes:

12. Doing this weekend?:
Going home. My friend throws a last party before she's leaving for France on Saturday, and on Sunday, it's my mom's birthday.

13. Wearing:
Sweatpants and a shirt.

14. Wanting?:
Someone to make me that banana chocolate shake I'm too lazy to make myself.

15. Where are you?:
My room.

16. Listening to?:
To a folder full of songs that I have to decide to keep or delete.

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named John?:

18. What do you smell like?:
As I took a bath, I imagine my body smells like yoghurt red berry shower gel, and my hair smells like kiwi and (still) henna.

19. Eating?:
Nothing right now.

20. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing?:
My computer.

21. Do you believe in a soul mate?:

22. Do you sleep naked?:
Yes. If there are no visitors.

24. Do you believe dreams come true?:

25. Do you believe in miracles?:

26. Do you burn easily in the sun?:

27. Do you speak another language other than English?:
German, a little Spanish, and very little French.

28. What's something you wish you could understand better?:
Why some people hate others so much they're ready to hurt them for no reason. But there is probably nothing to understand.

29. What did you do last weekend?:
I was very lazy.

30. Who do you miss?:
People at school.

31. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?:

32. Orange or apple juice?:
I'm always changing between the two, right now it's been apple juice for quite a while.

34. What was the last instant message you received?:
I talked about getting online (ICQ) later with a friend, but I never went online again that day.

35. Last text message you sent:
See above.

36. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?:
A few weeks ago, at my cousin's.

37. What is the closest thing to you that is blue?:
A pen.

40. Whose house did you go to last night?:
I stayed in.

41. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?:
My uncle who'd had knee surgery.

42. Do you like someone right now?:
I like a lot of people.

43. What do you wear more? (sandals or shoes):
Shoes! I don't want my feet to freeze, and sandals are only for the summer.

44. What is the last movie you watched?:
In the cinema: The Simpsons Movie. On TV: Ocean's Eleven, yesterday.

45. Have you ever heard of the band Our Lady Peace?:
Strange question, but no.

46. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?:

47. Coach Purse or MLB game tickets?

48. Do you believe that you can change someone?:

49. Do you want someone you can't have?:
I want Jensen Ackles! But I know I can't have him. Ah, as long as Jared has him, I can deal.

50. Who do you tag?:

ETA: And because I still suck, I forgot to wish both kennedy and trumpeterofdoom a Happy Birthday lately! sorry

ETA2: Am listening to Queen's I'm in Love with My Car now. Such a perfect song for Dean...

gip, movies, meme, supernatural

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