(no subject)

Jun 11, 2007 00:35

I just had such a weird dream. I was being chased by some people who wanted to kill my family, terrorists maybe? They broke into our house, and my dad wanted to protect me, but couldn't, and I ran upstairs and climbed out of a window onto the roof. The bad thing was that some of those people -- or at least they worked for them -- were on the surrounding roofs, too, with guns. I finally managed to get down and wanted to hide in the house of an old childhood friend (his house is two houses over from mine). Unfortunately, his lock didn't work, and we stood for a few minutes trying to get the glass door shut, fully illuminated. Of course we got caught. I was sedated so I'd fall unconscious, though that took a while, during which we sat on the couch and waited. Since after a few minutes, the bad guys hadn't come (and I wasn't unconscious yet), our captors -- one of them my neighbor and childhood nanny -- decided they'd let us go. They said the bad guys surely wouldn't mind, because they were Asian (at least I'm pretty sure where that part of the dream came from). My neighbor asked me how long I wanted to run away from them, and I said, "as long as I have to". Just as they did want to let us go, though, we heard them coming after all outside. Then I woke up, and in my half-asleep state, I heard a bunch of people singing on the street below my window. I nearly had a heart attack.

Now I don't know if I want to keep being in the sleepy state I'm in so I can go to bed again soon or if I want to fully wake up so I won't just carry on with that dream as soon as I fall asleep again.

ETA: I'm also so very much in love with the J² right now. This media fandom thing is fine and dandy, but my real love seems to be the RPS. It's a shame that there aren't so many long, drawn-out love stories between Jared and Jensen. Or if there are, they were posted in parts and I didn't read them. Hm, anyone have some good recs?

ETA2: People also wrote gorgeous (looong) spanking sentences for me, which I should leave feedback on, I'm just in a state right now where I fear I'd have nothing intelligent to say. I should've done it before I went to bed, but I fell asleep over writing. At a time where I totally didn't expect it, because I usually go to bed much later these days. For now I just wanted to tell you that I loved them. And I'll provide links soon, because they're too good to miss.


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