
Jun 07, 2007 03:23

Came back from the barbecue safe and sound, even though my face still feels a little hot. Also, I don't like darkness so much. I'm so glad I live in the electricity age. Much fun was had anyway, especially once our drunken boys started playing this game called "I'm packing my suitcase". I don't know how popular that game is anywhere else in the ( Read more... )

meme, writing, school

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madame_d June 7 2007, 03:42:56 UTC
Guess what? It's your favourite enabler customer. :) I'm just gonna throw pairings at you; write what you want, mkay? And first kiss, please.

Sam/JC, from your story
Dean/JC, from the sequel you're maybe writing one day
Sam/Dean (you gave me one, already, but I still want one)
Dean/Nick, don't judge me!!!
Lance/Justin, because Lambs Day was a week ago, and I didn't do anything about it.

That's it for now.


stellamira June 7 2007, 23:01:35 UTC
Hooray, the favorite customer! These are completely out of order ( ... )


madame_d June 8 2007, 03:09:33 UTC
*wriggles happily* Now I definitely know you love me the bestest. :)

JC finishes Sam off before they leave.

Of course he does, Lance his mom taught him to always be polite. Mmmmmm, I love the visual there, that they're so desperate they don't even care about knocking things over or being caught in flagrante delicto. Hee!

and anyway, Dean Winchester never turns down another hot guy person.

*nods* Yeah, I figured; Sam was totally right about overcompensating.

Which are perfect for tugging on while kissing, by the way.

*mewls* Oh yes, because yes.


stellamira June 9 2007, 17:58:26 UTC
Now I definitely know you love me the bestest.

Must be. :)

that they're so desperate they don't even care about knocking things over

I don't know. That's just always how I imagined them, frantic and grabbing and maybe ending up with a few bruises later.


madame_d June 9 2007, 20:01:03 UTC
Must be. :)

*pushes luck* You want to write me a fic, then?


stellamira June 9 2007, 20:32:48 UTC
I read that, and it sounds funny, but I'm afraid I can't. I've got so much other stuff I should be working on, and this would be long and drawn-out and not really my kind of plot.


madame_d June 9 2007, 21:06:40 UTC
*wilts* Gawd, who'd've thunk it'd be so hard to find a writer to work for me and be always at my enable'n'call? Darn.


stellamira June 8 2007, 15:44:13 UTC
Sam/Dean ( ... )


madame_d June 8 2007, 16:16:48 UTC
but Dean won't ever act on it because of his whole protecting Sammy complex.

*rolls eyes* Gawd, I know, right? Idiot.

tosses Dean a Snickers bar, and leans in right after it, holding Dean's head still as they kiss.

*wriggles* Yes. Exactly like that. Yes.

They're both a little surprised when Justin kisses back.

*giggles* Because Justin really envies Nick his hair and he really wanted to know what Nick's hair would feel like when his fingers tangled in it. :D

What Kevin doesn't know, however, is that Justin and Nick meet again in the bathroom at the afterparty and carry right on from where they stopped.

Because, really, teenagers looove being told what to do. Especially by Kevin. *snorts*

Afterwards, Justin concludes that it's not so diferent, but nice nevertheless, and if Lance ever wants to do it again...

*cracks up* I'm hoping Lance takes that as a challenge, the whole 'not so different' thing because, really. Justin's being too blase about the whole thing. Hee!


stellamira June 9 2007, 18:10:23 UTC

Give him a break. He thinks it's out of love.

Yes. Exactly like that.

Mmm. I think I might even use that in a story.

teenagers looove being told what to do

Yeah, especially Nick.

I'm hoping Lance takes that as a challenge

Ah, I'm sure he does. :)


stellamira June 9 2007, 00:06:08 UTC
So. Dean/Nick. I think this is what Dean was doing not exactly while Sam was sleeping with JC, but before. Very rough-cut but I might just expand it a little later. I also apologize, but I apparently I just can't make them happy.

Sammy’s gone, and Dean is just driving around without a plan, trying to make up for the empty space in the passenger seat. It’s been a few months now, since Sammy packed up his things and left, but it still stings like a bitch. He goes to Florida because he’s always wanted to see it, ends up at a beach bar in Tampa in the middle of the day. A guy comes in, blond and sunburned, ink on his arms. He’s dragging a smaller copy of himself along, arm around him holding the other guy - boy, really - too tightly, too close. Dean knows what it is because he’s done it himself, years of pulling Sammy with him, protecting him. Dean almost snorts. Whatever they’re dealing with, it’s nothing compared to the monsters Dean’s fighting ( ... )


madame_d June 9 2007, 01:05:06 UTC
I also apologize, but I apparently I just can't make them happy.

Oh, but who cares because this is perfect, this is about Dean, and Nick, and their respective brothers, even when it isn't, because Dean's the bestest big brother ever, but Nick's better, if only because he's got four of those little siblings to take care of, and also, GUH for all the pretty! *flail*

There's a new, curly-haired, skinny guy at the other end of the bar

AJ? Howie? JC? :)

Dean only learns his name when they come back from the bathroom, Dean wiping his mouth

I kindasorta want to know the details, but I also don't, because this is kind of really perfect the way it is.

... You know, if I keep asking you for all these SPN/popslash crossovers, eventually you can just put them in one big fic or something. :)

GUH. Just. *flaps* GUH. Because yes.


stellamira June 9 2007, 18:19:08 UTC
but Nick's better

Ah, I don't know. I think Nick's a good older brother, but he wouldn't give his soul for his siblings.

AJ? Howie? JC?

Well. What do you think? :)

I kindasorta want to know the details

I think you should be able to imagine what they were doing. :)

eventually you can just put them in one big fic or something

Heee. I don't think so, they're too different.


madame_d June 9 2007, 19:58:35 UTC
but he wouldn't give his soul for his siblings.

Granted, since having seen House of Carters... well, would you for those siblings? It's a wonder they're all still alive!

Mmmmmm, I want it to have been AJ, because now I'm craving some AJ/Nick to tide me over, yes.


stellamira June 9 2007, 20:38:03 UTC
would you for those siblings

Well, no.

I want it to have been AJ

Hmm, not what I had in mind, I must say. :) Maybe I should make it clearer if I really do write a bit more about it.


madame_d June 9 2007, 21:05:14 UTC
Maybe I should make it clearer if I really do write a bit more about it.

Damn. Howie, then. *pouts* I just really wanted it to be AJ. :)


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