(no subject)

May 25, 2007 02:05

Did anybody else have problems with livejournal today? I could hardly load any pages this afternoon, the friendslist didn't load at all. It seems to be okay now, though.

If the current weather is the end of May, I'm dreading June and July. It's nicely warm and all, but, you know, it's supposed to be spring, not summer already.

Do you know that feeling when you want to write but you can't? I know I should just sit down, far away from the computer, and force myself to write, but the thing is: I know it takes me a long long time to get something done even then, so I just... don't do it. And it's frustrating. Like, I want to write my dragon challenge story (though all ideas I have suck); I want to write the 12 Steps; I want to write a story called "365" dealing with the year Dean's got left after the Supernatural season 2 finale, ending with day 364.

And I want to write a story where Sam goes to get Dean out of hell. He crosses the Styx in the boat of ferryman Stan, who looks like rather pimply teenager. Stan comments on how Sam's another one of those freaks who love Greek mythology and explains that crossing over doesn't look the same for everyone (yes, I know, the Styx didn't seperate the world of the living from hell but rather from the underworld in general). He also wants Sam to pay in advance, but Sam refuses. When they're over, Sam holds out his open left hand, tells Stan to take what he wants and closes his eyes, and Stan takes his pinky finger. Coming back with Dean costs him his ring finger as well. Sorry, I know it's gross.

ETA: (You can just ignore this, by the way, I only write it down so I won't forget it.) Before Sam gets to the Styx, he's walking for an endlessly long time, through plains and hills, along roads, and down staircases, though he can't remember a moment later where he's just been. In between Sam's journey there are glimpses of what Dean has to endure, mostly snippets and incomplete sentences.

The thing is, I feel like I can't write either of these stories.

Both frogspace and my TV (news) brought this up today, so. Today an argument that ended up in court was semi-settled whether the fictional figure "Pumuckl" gets to have a girlfriend or not. His illustrator, Barbara von Johnson, says yes, his creator, Elis Kaut, says no, for a few reasons that basically come down to that she never intended him to have one.

And this all made me think about fanfiction, but more specifically something benitle said a few days ago: How do you react when someone wants to write in your universe? And how is this different from fanfiction verus creator-canon?

I'll be the first to admit that I wouldn't like someone writing... well, I can't say my characters, but something from the situation I stuck them in, a prequel, or a sequel, or some snippet. benitle said she'd be afraid that someone else wouldn't write them the way she had intended them to be, and I guess that's a big part of my reservations. Apart from the fact that I'd always be afraid that their writing or storytelling sucks.

There are exceptions, of course. I enjoyed remix last year, for example. I just didn't sign up this year because I remembered last year's hassle and how much I struggled to get it done. And there are authors who wouldn't even need to ask, I'd be honored if they played in my sandbox. But overall I'd feel quite uncomfortable.

Would I feel better if I was an original author and people would "abuse" my fiction for fanfiction? I actually think yes. I think it's because there'd be a variety of stories/authors and there'd be a bunch of stories that would get it right, where I'd just say, yes, that's exactly what I had in mind for them. If another fanfiction author rips off my fanfiction, I can't be so sure.

Oh, the Pumuckl argument was settled in favor of the illustrator, by the way. He gets to have a girlfirend.

stuff, ideas, fandom, writing

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