Fic: Various ficlets (CW RPS)

Apr 25, 2007 00:10

This is the CW RPS post for the ficlets I promised a while ago.

For benitle, Jensen/Chris and the prompt "riding"

"I thought you grew up around here." Chris looked amused under the brim of his cowboy hat as he watched Jensen trying to mount his horse. Again. "You wanna tell me you've never been on a horse before?"

"Shut up," Jensen snarled. "'s not my fault this stupid -" The horse suddenly twisted its head, nearly pulling the reins out of Jensen's hand - or Jensen's shoulder out of the socket. "Motherfuck!"

Chris laughed. "I think it can understand you." He tugged on the reins of his own horse, and it obediently trotted back a little.

Jensen tried it one more time, laying one comforting hand on the horse's neck, fingers carding through the mane. "It's all right, horse, everything's okay. I only -" He put one foot into the stirrup, but the horse danced away again before he could swing the other leg over its back.

"You could've asked for its name, at least. Maybe it would like you better, then."

Jensen glared at him. "You know, I'd appreciate a little help from you much more than your stupid comments."

"Aw, Jen." Chris put a hand over his heart. "You appreciate me just fine." However, he did climb down from his horse and walked over, letting go of the reins. Jensen watched it jealously. When he'd tried letting loose just a little, his horse had almost broken away, but Chris' just stood there, bending its head to snuffle at the dust.

"Hey," Chris said, then took the reins out of Jensen's hand and wrapped his other arm around Jensen's waist, pulling them together. "We can do something else if you want. I mean, you know what they say."

"What?" Jensen tried his best to look sullen, even though it never worked when Chris had him like this, pressed close with his stubble scraping Jensen's cheek.

Chris turned his head and kissed him, grinning against Jensen's lips. "Save a horse, ride a cowboy."

For madame_d, Jensen/Jared and the prompt "Jensen's reaction to that scene of Jared's" (containing spoilers for Supernatural 2x17).

"Hey, Jay?"

"Huh?" Jared wanted to raise his head but decided it was too much effort. He was that deep kind of exhausted that always came from having been fucked six ways to Sunday.

"Actually, I wanted to show you something." Jensen groped at Jared's ass, coming up with the remote. That's what had been digging into Jared's hip, then. Jensen turned the TV on, and Jared groaned as his own frozen face filled the screen. He'd known it hadn't boded well when he'd come home and found Jensen in front of his TV, a bowl of popcorn on his knees; but then he'd gotten distracted watching Jensen lick salt off his lips. Jensen grappled for the DVD remote as well, and the image on screen sprang to life.

"You're killing the afterglow, Jen."

"Nah, this is freaking hot." Jensen's fingers drummed on Jared's chest. "C'mon, watch it." He fast-forwarded a few seconds. "This right here's my favorite shot. How you just take her from be-"


"Just, you know, I don't get it," Jensen said conversationally. Jared was gonna buck him off any second now, the smug fucker. "You're in bed with a hot chick, why were you so embarrassed?"

"I wasn't embarrassed."

"Course you were. You were all flushed and sweaty. Want me to rewind?"

"I was sick that day!" Jared yelped. "You know that. You wouldn't come near me for a week, and - Where did you get this anyway?" He knew Jensen hadn't had the chance to record it - Jared had made sure to distract him with a few conveniently timed blowjobs.

"Dude, downloaded it from the internet. Everybody does it."

"God." Jared scooted up the couch and dropped his head back over the arm. Jensen crawled after him, burying his face in the crook of Jared's shoulder.

"You know what I found most interesting, though?" Jensen mumbled against his skin. "That you have a thing for..." He opened his mouth against Jared's neck and bit, very carefully.

"I don't - That's Sam's thing," Jared said, but he couldn't help arching his neck even further. "Fuck, Jen."

"Yeah, so not your thing at all," Jensen said and bit him again. This time he tugged a little with his teeth and sucked until Jared was sure it'd leave another mark Shannon would have to cover up. Jensen pushed Jared's leg to the floor and hooked the other one over the back of the couch before he slid two fingers back inside. There was no way Jared had the energy to get hard again anytime soon - especially not with that playing on the TV, Emmanuelle and him now lying in bed together - but it felt good anyway, the way Jensen rubbed and twisted his fingers. Jensen bit his earlobe. "I want you to know that we're gonna do a step-by-step replay of that scene, including all the parts you don't see. I'll even be the woman."

"That's gonna take hours!" Jared protested.

Jensen grinned against him. "I know."

For ihearthings_ii, Jared/Steve and the prompt "pining"

Jensen had met Jared's friends countless times, but Jared had never known Jensen's until Jensen celebrated his birthday down in L.A. - for the second time. The first time had been them sitting in one of the Impalas, Sam glancing at his watch at midnight and smacking Dean's thigh, "Happy Birthday, dude."

Jensen's friends consisted mostly of a few close people and a couple dozen friends of friends. Steve was one of the close ones, Jared learned in the few minutes they actually spent talking with each other, before Steve laughed and said, "Not that close, though," and they went to make out in Jensen's spare bedroom.

Jared boarded his plane the next day with a massive hangover, even though it was already way past noon, Jensen grinning at him for half of the flight. He hadn't even gotten Steve's number.

The next time he saw Steve was about a week after they'd finished filming the season finale. He'd spent the first few days pretending he didn't miss Jensen - who was a good friend and made Jared laugh sometimes just by being his dorky self - before he gave up and drove over.

Steve opened the door shirtless and barefoot in a pair of jeans, leaning against the frame, and said, "Jen's out at an audition for some independent flick. Wanna come in?"

It wasn't like Jared had missed this exactly, sliding his fingers through Steve's long hair, or the way Steve's mouth tasted after a beer, but it was nice, kind of familiar. Steve's hand squeezing Jared's when he came was new, but that was cool, too.

Jared did ask for Steve's number after he got dressed, but he didn't have his phone with him and he threw the note in his pocket away before Sandy could find it. It wasn't important anyway, Steve was usually there when Jared came by Jensen's house, sitting out back, playing his guitar.

Once, when they were lying beside each other, sweaty and fucked-out, the sheets a hideously grass-green messed-up heap at their feet - Jared was sure Jensen put on the ugly ones just to spite them, considering how many they'd already ruined - Jared wondered what the heck he was doing here.

He asked Steve, who laughed and said, "It's obvious: You're pining after me, dude."

"What?!" Jared spluttered. "I'm not!"

Steve rolled onto his side and threw an arm over Jared, keeping him in place while they kissed. "Of course you are. I think it's cute."

Jared socked him in the shoulder and then he didn't come by for six days, just to prove that he could. On the seventh Steve fucked him against Jensen's shower wall, Jared coming hard onto the black and white checkered tiles.

"So maybe I am," Jared muttered later, wrapping a towel around his hips.

"What?" Steve asked. He was standing buck naked in front of the sink, hair tied back, which looked slightly ridiculous, shaving carefully. He had a bunch of people from some record company to impress that night.

"Pin- Maybe I like you." Jared stepped up behind him, putting one hand on Steve's hip. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Steve grinned and turned around, rubbing his smooth cheek against Jared's stubbly one. "Not a damn thing."

cw_rps, fiction

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