Halloween and a Trickyfish Day poll

Nov 01, 2006 22:24

My sister doesn't want an advent calender. Again. She thinks we're "too old" for that. Pft. You're never too old for an advent calender! Seriously.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned it before, but I hate Halloween. At least the Halloween that's celebrated over here. A few years ago most people knew Halloween only from movies, nowadays kids go trick or treating, and it makes me mad. Halloween has no tradition whatsoever over here -- if you ask me, the German Halloween is an invention of the candy industry to take the chance to sell more chocolate and lollipops by making them ghost-shaped. Well, no kid got anything from me.

*cough* Nevertheless, two weeks ago I carved a pumpkin (my dad made soup out of the pulp).

Mine's the one in the lower left corner, the others are my mom's clay ones. Sadly, the weather's been too warm and too wet, so it's already molding.

I actually went back to my journal entries of last year to see if I'd mentioned the Halloween thing (apparently I didn't), and found out that tomorrow one year ago, I got my first tattoo. It feels as if I'd had it forever. I'm not gonna link to the pictures, since they were taken on the same day, while it was still bloody and wrapped in plastic foil. I could upload a new picture, though, if you're curious.

I also saw that last year, Halloween was TrickC Day. Now, apparently, this year it wasn't. I've already thought about Trickyfish Day, and I'll make a post in somebody2leanon tomorrow, if I remember it. For now, I'd love for you to put your two cents in. Trickyfish Day is 2nd of February (Chris' birth day + Lance's birth day = 17 + 5 = 22).


poll, bitching, trickyfish

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